On the evening of August 21, 1955, a bizarre and terrifying incident occurred in the small community of Kelly, KY, located just outside Hopkinsville in Christian County.
"Lucky" Sutton, his family, and their friend Billy Ray Taylor were in Sutton's home this evening. While out at the well to bring water back, Mr.Sutton observed a large shining object descending about a quarter of a mile away. When he got back to the house and told everyone what he had seen, no one took him seriously.
Soon thereafter, the family dog began to bark wildly. When Sutton and Taylor stepped outside to see what the matter was, they saw a glowing humanoid creature approaching with its little hands up, as if surrendering. They later described the creature as having "two large eyes with a yellow glow, more on the sides than in the human face, a long thin mouth, large bat-like ears, thin short legs, and unusually long arms with large hands ending in claws."
Both men fired on the creature at close range, one with a shotgun. The creature seemed unharmed and did an acrobatic flip and ran back into the woods. But no sooner had Sutton and Taylor walked back into the house when the creature, or another one like it, appeared at a window. They shot at it through the screen and then tentatively crept out on the porch to see if they'd hit it. They were horrified to see a clawed monstrous hand reaching down at them from the rooftop. They panicked and ran back inside.
For the next several hours into the night and morning, the house was besieged by these terrifying little men, their hands often raised high as if in a friendly gesture. In fact, the creatures did nothing destructive or threatening, but Sutton and Taylor kept firing at them. Their bullets seemed useless against the aliens, however.
Eventually they decided to try to make a break for their vehicles and escape to Hopkinsville. They dashed out and took two vehicles to the Police Station in Hopkinsville, and reported their strange tale to Sheriff Russell Greenwell. After much convincing, they finally persuaded the Sheriff and a team of officers to come out to the house to investigate. When they arrived, the creatures were gone. However, the bulletholes riddling the walls of the house indicated to the Sheriff that something had indeed happened, and the Suttons' story wasn't entirely a hoax. He noted that the Suttons seemed sober, and were genuinely frightened by something. The police checked around the local area and found that the neighbors all heard the shots being fired at the Sutton farm, and some reported having seen lights in the sky. With nothing else left to do, the police left at 2:15am.
About 90 minutes later, the creatures returned and began peeking through the windows again. Again the gunfire ensued, and again with no effect. The creatures finally left just before daybreak.
This matter is often regarded as a hoax, but many researchers are convinced there's something to it. Seven adults and three children witnessed these events, and all gave corroborating stories many times to many investigators. They made no money off the story, sought no publicity, and shot their home full of holes, which they had to repair at great financial burden to themselves.