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selected ufo cases

Animal Reaction

Landed UFO frightens boy and cow; depressions left in field

May, 19, 1964 - Hubbard, Oregon, United States

Young Michael J. Bizon had gone outside his home in Hubbard, Oregon, to let the cow out of her stall. The cow seemed very nervous, and "was bucking all the way." Then he saw a square object about four feet high. The silver-colored UFO was sitting in the middle of a wheat field. It had four shiny legs. The object rose, slowly at first, and then "shot up just like a rocket." A flattened area with three spots was found in the wheat field.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 579
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Animal Reaction, Landing

The Willow Grove Close Encounter

February, 15, 1963 - Near Moe, Australia

Charles Brew, with his 20 year-old son Trevor, was at work in the milking shed on their farm, 'Willow Grove', when he saw a strange object appear and descend very slowly towards the milk shed, to a height of about 30 metres. The object was metallic grey, measured 8 meters in diameter, and had a transparent dome with a 2-meter mast or aerial. After hovering for a few seconds the object began climbed away into the clouds.  View full report

Source: Bill Chalker (1996)   ID: 623
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction, Witness Sketch, Physiological Effects

The Cordoba/Yacanto Argentina Photograph

1960 - Cordoba, Argentina

This sighting is one of the best recorded in Argentina. The witness is a high-ranking officer of the Argentinean Air Force (AAF), who by a fluke was able to obtain a remarkable photograph as supporting evidence of his encounter. Captain Niotti was driving from Yacanto toward Cordoba. He suddenly noticed a rather close and unusual object hovering near the ground and proceeded to take a photo of the object.  View full report

Source: Dr. Willy Smith   ID: 873
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo, Animal Reaction, Vehicle Encounter

The Flatwoods Monster Featured Case

September, 12, 1952 - Flatwoods, West Virginia, United States

Just before dark on September 12, 1952, at Flatwoods, WV, some young school boys saw a fiery UFO streak across the sky and apparently land on a nearby hilltop. Rushing to the site, and gathering a few others along the way, they saw a pulsating red light, encountered a nauseating mist, and turned a flashlight on a pair of shining eyes, revealing a huge creature. As it hissed and glided at them, the group panicked and fled. The next day investigators discovered skid marks and an oil-like substance that presumably came from the UFO.  View full report

Source: Subversive Element   ID: 535
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Children, Animal Reaction, Physical Trace, Landing, Group Sighting, Witness Photo
Cases per page:  8   16   24