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selected ufo cases

Humanoid/Occupant/Encounter Cases

Occupant Case In Wisconsin (William Bosak Encounter)

December, 2, 1974 - Frederic, Wisconsin, United States

Farmer William Bosak, 68, had what he termed as a hair-raising experience December 2, 1974. As he was driving home, he spotted an object on the left side of the road ahead of him. "It had a curved front of glass and inside I could see a figure with its arms raised above its head."  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 23 No. 4 (Jan/Feb 1975)   ID: 360
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant

Carl Higdon's humanoid/UFO encounter Featured Case

October, 25, 1974 - Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, United States

Carl Higdon, while hunting elk, raised his rifle and fired, but the bullet only went about 50 feet and dropped. He heard a noise and looked over to see a "sort of man" standing there. The man called himself "Ausso" and asked Mr. Higdon if he'd like to go with him and Higdon replied that he guessed so. The man pointed an appendage and at this juncture Mr. Higdon said he found himself in a transparent cubicle along with Ausso.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 23 No. 5 (Mar 1975)   ID: 308
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant

Robots In Quebec, Canada

July, 22, 1974 - St. Cyrille, Province du Quebec, Canada

Mr. L. was preparing to go to bed when he heard a strange sound like "bum bum bum" outside. He lifted the curtain in the living room and saw a reddish-orange round object hovering over the field to the northeast side of his house trailer. When he looked outside he saw what he described as a robot like creature, about 6 feet tall, within 15 feet of the trailer.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 23 No. 3 (Nov/Dec 1974)   ID: 305
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Humanoid/Occupant, Animal Reaction

UFO with occupants approaches witness and hovers over farm

June, 14, 1974 - Medellin, Spain

Santiago Pulido Romero, 46, was going to his father's farm when he saw an object flying at low level. It was "round on the bottom and with a sort of cone-shaped tower on top." When he switched his car lights on, the object came towards him at very high speed, only to move away from he turned out the lights. Inside the craft, Santiago could see three tall men, "who seemed to be holding on to some sort of control levers" and wearing helmets.  View full report

Source: Eileen Buckle, FSR Vol. 20 No. 3   ID: 600
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Interaction/Reaction

Occupant Encounter in New Hampshire (Lyndia Morel Encounter)

November, 2, 1973 - Manchester, New Hampshire, United States

Excerpt: "As the car approached a point opposite the middle of the cemetery the UFO closed possibly to within less than 500 feet... At this point she estimated the object to be at the height of a three-story building. The figure in the window was now distinct."  View full report

Source: Walter Webb, APRO Bulletin, Vol. 12 No. 4 (Jan/Feb 1974)   ID: 303
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant

Occupant Encounter In Argentina Featured Case

October, 28, 1973 - Bahia Blanca, Argentina

On Sunday, 28 October 1973, in the first hour of the morning, truck driver Dionisio Llanca had a fantastic experience. Dionisio, a calm and quiet bachelor arrived at a hospital in Bahia Blanca in a state of total amnesia. Three days later as he regained his memory he related his extraordinary experience - - a night encounter on route H3 with a flying saucer and beings that talked with "chillidos" and who took a sample of his blood.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 22 No. 3 (Nov/Dec 1973)   ID: 301
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Witness Photo

The Pascagoula Abduction Incident Featured Case

October, 11, 1973 - Pascagoula, Mississippi, United States

The Pascagoula Incident involved two men, Parker and Hickson, both of Gautier, Mississippi, who were fishing in the Pascagoula River when they heard a buzzing noise behind them. Both turned and were terrified to see a ten-foot-wide, eight-foot-high, glowing egg-shaped object with blue lights at its front hovering just above the ground about forty feet from the river bank. As the men, frozen with fright, watched, a door appeared in the object, and three strange Beings floated just above the river towards them.  View full report

Source: Andy Page / NICAP   ID: 97
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Abduction, Physiological Effects, Polygraph Test, Witness Photo, Humanoid/Occupant

Domed Disc Near Airliner, Confirmed By Radar

February, 14, 1973 - McAlester, Oklahoma, United States

A domed disc near cargo airliner, confirmed by the airplane's airborne radar. The object was disc-shaped with a transparent dome on top, and a silvery, highly polished surface. The object reacted to the sweep of the plane's radar. Pilots from the airliner saw two or three shadowy entities moving around inside the object.  View full report

Source: Richard Hall / UFO Casebook   ID: 15
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Radar, Humanoid/Occupant

Large disc with light beam follows car near Nowra, Australia

January, 1973 - Nowra, Australia

Elizabeth C was driving along the South Coast of NSW with four other people, when the group encountered a UFO which began to travel alongside the car. The object was large, disc-shaped, and there appeared to be a distinct 'searchlight' beam effect that rotated around its bottom. At least one of the witnesses was certain that figures could be seen in the windows of the object. After following the car for 24 km, the object seemed to suddenly relocate and headed out to sea.  View full report

Source: Bill Chalker, (1996)   ID: 625
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Military, Portholes/Windows

The Isla De Lobos Case in Uruguay Featured Case

October, 28, 1972 - Isla de Lobos, Uruguay

This is a single witness sighting, and yet it has become the best case coming from Uruguay due to the in-depth investigation done by the members of C.I.O.V.I. research group. The witness, Corporal Juan Fuentes saw a landed craft with three occupants at close range for time of about one minute. He attempted to shoot at the occupants but was stopped from doing so. The occupants entered the craft, and the craft rose up and flew away at high speed.  View full report

Source: Dr. Willy Smith (UNICAT Project)/ C.I.O.V.I.   ID: 887
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Military

Occupants seen next to UFO sitting on road

June, 1972 - Deming, New Mexico, United States

Mrs. Hilda McAfee (a lady in her late 50s) and her elderly mother were on their way home by car when they were disrupted by a blinding light shining from straight ahead. As they passed the object in the road, they saw two men who were clad in pale, blue, bulky quilted coveralls. In the aftermath of the event, both women suffered a burning, aching pain in their chests and arms after the encounter, and "even their bones" seemed to hurt.  View full report

Source: Patti Morris, APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 6 (Dec 1975)   ID: 312
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physiological Effects, Landing

Landing and 'giant' occupant encountered by youth in Virginia

May, 1971 - Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States

Walking through a large, open field, a boy with his dog observed a glowing "thing" over a pond located in the open field. The object moved towards the youth, finally stopping near the youth, and slowly settled to the ground. After the craft landed, a door opened straight down toward him and a "man" walked out. According to the witness's description, the creature was "powerfully huge." The being returned to the object, and about ten minutes later the craft "just lifted off."  View full report

Source: NICAP (1971)   ID: 806
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Landing, Humanoid/Occupant, Animal Reaction, Children

UFO with humanoid encountered by two forestry workers in Finland

February, 5, 1971 - Kinnula, Finland

Two young men, P. Aliranta and E J Sneck, were working in the woods when Aliranta noticed a 15 foot UFO descending in a clearing 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity just under 3-foot tall glided to the ground from an opening in the underside. Through 3 windows on the UFO, 3 more entities could be seen. As the humanoid was rising into the air one of the men grabbed it by the heel of its boot with its bare hand; he found it burned like a hot iron, and he had to let go at once.  View full report

Source: Tapani Kuningas, excerpt from FSR 1971 no. 5   ID: 718
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace, Physiological Effects

UFO on the Sea Near Rio de Janeiro

June, 27, 1970 - Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This incident, which took place in broad daylight, is notable because it was certainly observed by, at least eight witnesses. A great metallic disc came down on the surface of the South Atlantic Ocean. The disc remained on the surface of the water for half an hour, and two crewmen were seen inside it. When the disc took off, it left behind it on the sea a sort of ring or hoop.  View full report

Source: Dr. W. Buhler, Flying Saucer Review. Vol. 17, No. 3. May/June 1971 (WaterUFO.net)   ID: 416
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related, Humanoid/Occupant, Group Sighting

Two skiers encounter humanoid at Imjärvi, Finland Featured Case

January, 7, 1970 - Imjärvi, Finland

Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo were out skiing, when they encountered a 10-foot wide UFO that approached and hovered near them. A bright light beam was the emitted, and a thin, 3-foot tall humanoid creature appeared, carrying a black box with a pulsating yellow light. Severe and extensive physiological effects were suffered by the witnesses after the encounter. Two years later, Heinonen had a series of contacts with a female extraterresrial being.  View full report

Source: Kim Hansen, in Evans and Spencer (1987)   ID: 741
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physiological Effects, Light Beam, Contact, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

UFO and occupants seen near Cowichan Hospital in BC, Canada Featured Case

January, 1, 1970 - Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

Miss Doreen Kendall, a practical nurse at the Cowichan District Hospital on Vancouver Island, was looking out the window of the ward, when she saw 60 feet away an "object so big and bright I could see everything clearly." There were two male-like figures in the craft, one behind the other. One of the "men" eventually looked right at Doreen, and the craft started to move away, but not before Freida Wilson, a registered nurse, also saw the object.  View full report

Source: John Magor,   ID: 633
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft', Interaction/Reaction, Witness Photo
Cases per page:  8   16   24