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selected ufo cases

Humanoid/Occupant/Encounter Cases

UFO on the Sea Near Rio de Janeiro

June, 27, 1970 - Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This incident, which took place in broad daylight, is notable because it was certainly observed by, at least eight witnesses. A great metallic disc came down on the surface of the South Atlantic Ocean. The disc remained on the surface of the water for half an hour, and two crewmen were seen inside it. When the disc took off, it left behind it on the sea a sort of ring or hoop.  View full report

Source: Dr. W. Buhler, Flying Saucer Review. Vol. 17, No. 3. May/June 1971 (WaterUFO.net)   ID: 416
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related, Humanoid/Occupant, Group Sighting

Two skiers encounter humanoid at Imjärvi, Finland Featured Case

January, 7, 1970 - Imjärvi, Finland

Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo were out skiing, when they encountered a 10-foot wide UFO that approached and hovered near them. A bright light beam was the emitted, and a thin, 3-foot tall humanoid creature appeared, carrying a black box with a pulsating yellow light. Severe and extensive physiological effects were suffered by the witnesses after the encounter. Two years later, Heinonen had a series of contacts with a female extraterresrial being.  View full report

Source: Kim Hansen, in Evans and Spencer (1987)   ID: 741
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physiological Effects, Light Beam, Contact, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

UFO and occupants seen near Cowichan Hospital in BC, Canada Featured Case

January, 1, 1970 - Duncan, British Columbia, Canada

Miss Doreen Kendall, a practical nurse at the Cowichan District Hospital on Vancouver Island, was looking out the window of the ward, when she saw 60 feet away an "object so big and bright I could see everything clearly." There were two male-like figures in the craft, one behind the other. One of the "men" eventually looked right at Doreen, and the craft started to move away, but not before Freida Wilson, a registered nurse, also saw the object.  View full report

Source: John Magor,   ID: 633
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft', Interaction/Reaction, Witness Photo

Milakovic family encounter, Hanbury, England

November, 20, 1968 - Hanbury, England, United Kingdom

A large, house-sized object witnessed by a family. It had a dark bowl-shaped bottom, with a clear dome on top. In the lit dome area, several humanoid figures were seen moving. Two physiological effects were reported: heat felt as object passed over and burning of the eyes when its light intensity increased.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 17
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physiological Effects, Humanoid/Occupant, Animal Reaction

UFO with 'Michelin man' occupants seen by farmer on Réunion Island Featured Case

July, 31, 1968 - Réunion Island (Indian Ocean), France

Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking some grass for his rabbits when he saw an object 5 meters in diameter, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet. It was only 25 meters away. It was dark blue and through the window could be seen two small individuals, only 3 feet tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like the Michelin "tire man." There was a brilliant flash of light and a few seconds later nothing was to be seen.  View full report

Source: Excerpt from FSR, Jan/Feb 1969   ID: 692
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace

Russia UFO crash and recovery, 1968 Featured Case

March, 1968 - Berezovsky , Russian Federation

The details of a Russian UFO crash on or about 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspect. This case comes from the so-called "Secret KGB Files," which were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. Reportedly, $10,000 was paid for the information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 9-13-98 as part of a TNT special titled "The Secret UFO Files of the KGB." The show featured extraordinary film and still photographs of the UFO recovery, and also a portion of autopsy film on part of an alien body.  View full report

Source: UFOCasebook.com (editor, B. J. Booth)   ID: 1138
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Crash/Retrieval, Alien Photograph, Photo, Humanoid/Occupant

Circular object with dome and two 'figures' inside

December, 8, 1967 - Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States

The object was circular in shape, "about as big as a car." She was able to see that it had a domed top. In the dome, which was transparent, she could make out the indistinct outlines of two figures. At its closest, the object was no more than 100 yards away, and from 50 to 100 feet above the ground.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 560
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

Small, domed UFO with two occupants seen inside Featured Case

November, 2, 1967 - Ririe, Idaho, United States

Guy Tossie and Will Begay, two Indian youths, were driving south on Highway 26 just outside Ririe on November 2, 1967, when, about 9:30 p.m., there was a sudden blinding flash of light in front of their car, followed by the abrupt appearance of a small, domed UFO. The dome was transparent and in it were seen two small, strange-looking occupants.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 561
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

Two children encounter UFO and small humanoid beings in Cussac, France Featured Case

August, 29, 1967 - Cussac, France

Two children saw a sphere-shaped UFO, 2 meters in diameter, and "four little devils" on the ground. One of the humanoid beings was bending over, apparently busy with something on the ground, and another held a mirror-like object. They were observed to levitate before quickly entering the UFO and flying away. The UFO was said to make a soft whistling sound and smelled of sulphur.  View full report

Source: Joel Mesnard and Claude Pavy, excerpt from FSR, Sept/Oct 1968   ID: 705
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Children, Landing, Animal Reaction, Smell/Odor

Large, bright, silver/white saucer-shaped craft passes over field

May, 1966 - Greenbush, Ohio, United States

Felt humming vibration that woke my brother and I up. We both looked out our bedroom window and saw a large bright silver/white saucer shaped craft pass very low over our south soy bean field. Object was as large as this 25 acre field.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 337
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Physical Trace, Humanoid/Occupant, Humming

Valensole, France Landing (Maurice Masse Case) Featured Case

July, 1, 1965 - Valensole, Basses Alpes, France

Farmer Maurice Masse was inspecting his field of lavender when he heard a whistling sound, then noticed an egg-shaped object with six thin legs and a central pedestal standing nearby. A classic close encounter case from France. At the same time, he also saw two "small boys," humanoid-looking beings less than four feet tall, dressed in grayish-green one-piece coveralls.  View full report

Source: Michael Lindemann / Center For Extraordinary Explorations   ID: 140
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Physical Trace, Physiological Effects, Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Witness Photo

Sid Padrick Contact Case

January, 30, 1965 - Watsonville, California, United States

Sid Padrick described seeing a disc-shaped craft, “like two real thick saucers inverted,” some 50 feet in diameter and 30 feet from the ground. Padrick claimed that he then began to cautiously walk toward the craft. A door appeared and Padrick walked inside, and soon was conversing with a very human appearing gentleman wearing some sort of flying suit.  View full report

Source: Brent Raynes   ID: 963
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Witness Sketch, Contact, Humanoid/Occupant

Cumberland Spaceman / Solway Firth Photograph Featured Case

May, 23, 1964 - Burgh Marsh / Solway Firth, United Kingdom

"As an amateur photographer on a day-trip with my family, I took the photograph on Burgh Marsh on May 23, 1964. I took three pictures of my daughter Elizabeth in a similar pose - and was shocked when the middle picture came back from Kodak displaying what looks like a spaceman in the background."  View full report

Source: Daily Mail, London / England - December 13, 2002   ID: 385
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Alien Photograph, Humanoid/Occupant, Witness Photo

Socorro / Zamora UFO Incident Featured Case

April, 24, 1964 - Socorro, New Mexico, United States

The experience of Lonnie Zamora on April 24, 1964 stands as one of the most profound ufo events in the modern history of the phenomena. Lonnie Zamora saw a highly unusual device of unknown origin, what can only be described as a "craft" of some kind, and he reported seeing what he believes were occupants.  View full report

Source: Chris Lambright   ID: 90
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physical Trace, Landing, Police, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

UFO with three beings hovers over boat dock at Minnesota cabin (Lake Movil)

August, 1962 - Lake Movil, Minnesota, United States

Marilyn Chenarides and Mrs. Mildred Anderson were vacationing at their cabin on Lake Movil in northern Minnesota when they saw a red glowing object which was hovering over the boat dock 50 feet from the cabin. In two of the windows of the object, the women could see the silhouettes of three man-shaped beings. After a few minutes of observation, Mrs. Anderson switched off the lights in the cabin, whereupon the lights on the object immediately went out.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 21 No. 2 (Sept./Oct. 1972)   ID: 458
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Interaction/Reaction, Portholes/Windows

Florentine tailor taken aboard UFO and given message

April, 10, 1962 - San Casciano, Italy

Florentine tailor Mario Zuccala, who was walking home through a wood, watched as an object like an inverted bowl passed overhead and came close to the ground. From its underside came a cylinder, which opened up, and two beings emerged. They took hold of the witness gently under his armpits and led him into the empty interior of the object. The only part Zuccala could remember was a message that they would return to give him a message for humanity.  View full report

Source: Peter Rogerson, Magonia 50, September 1994   ID: 757
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Contact
Cases per page:  8   16   24