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selected ufo cases

Physiological Effects Cases

The Pascagoula Abduction Incident Featured Case

October, 11, 1973 - Pascagoula, Mississippi, United States

The Pascagoula Incident involved two men, Parker and Hickson, both of Gautier, Mississippi, who were fishing in the Pascagoula River when they heard a buzzing noise behind them. Both turned and were terrified to see a ten-foot-wide, eight-foot-high, glowing egg-shaped object with blue lights at its front hovering just above the ground about forty feet from the river bank. As the men, frozen with fright, watched, a door appeared in the object, and three strange Beings floated just above the river towards them.  View full report

Source: Andy Page / NICAP   ID: 97
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Abduction, Physiological Effects, Polygraph Test, Witness Photo, Humanoid/Occupant

Occupants seen next to UFO sitting on road

June, 1972 - Deming, New Mexico, United States

Mrs. Hilda McAfee (a lady in her late 50s) and her elderly mother were on their way home by car when they were disrupted by a blinding light shining from straight ahead. As they passed the object in the road, they saw two men who were clad in pale, blue, bulky quilted coveralls. In the aftermath of the event, both women suffered a burning, aching pain in their chests and arms after the encounter, and "even their bones" seemed to hurt.  View full report

Source: Patti Morris, APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 6 (Dec 1975)   ID: 312
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physiological Effects, Landing

UFO with humanoid encountered by two forestry workers in Finland

February, 5, 1971 - Kinnula, Finland

Two young men, P. Aliranta and E J Sneck, were working in the woods when Aliranta noticed a 15 foot UFO descending in a clearing 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity just under 3-foot tall glided to the ground from an opening in the underside. Through 3 windows on the UFO, 3 more entities could be seen. As the humanoid was rising into the air one of the men grabbed it by the heel of its boot with its bare hand; he found it burned like a hot iron, and he had to let go at once.  View full report

Source: Tapani Kuningas, excerpt from FSR 1971 no. 5   ID: 718
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace, Physiological Effects

Two skiers encounter humanoid at Imjärvi, Finland Featured Case

January, 7, 1970 - Imjärvi, Finland

Aarno Heinonen and Esko Viljo were out skiing, when they encountered a 10-foot wide UFO that approached and hovered near them. A bright light beam was the emitted, and a thin, 3-foot tall humanoid creature appeared, carrying a black box with a pulsating yellow light. Severe and extensive physiological effects were suffered by the witnesses after the encounter. Two years later, Heinonen had a series of contacts with a female extraterresrial being.  View full report

Source: Kim Hansen, in Evans and Spencer (1987)   ID: 741
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Physiological Effects, Light Beam, Contact, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

Milakovic family encounter, Hanbury, England

November, 20, 1968 - Hanbury, England, United Kingdom

A large, house-sized object witnessed by a family. It had a dark bowl-shaped bottom, with a clear dome on top. In the lit dome area, several humanoid figures were seen moving. Two physiological effects were reported: heat felt as object passed over and burning of the eyes when its light intensity increased.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), 'Strange Effects from UFOs', by Donald Keyhoe and Gordon Lore   ID: 17
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physiological Effects, Humanoid/Occupant, Animal Reaction

Police Officer Herbert Schirmer Abduction Featured Case

December, 3, 1967 - Ashland, Nebraska, United States

Sgt. Schirmer was on patrol when he encountered a UFO hovering above the road, which shot up when he flashed his high beams at the object. Soon, Schirmer realized he had experienced "missing time", and a red welt appeared on his neck. Hypnotic sessions revealed that the occupants of the landed craft came and took Schirmer aboard, and communicated with him through some form of mental telepathy. They told him that they would visit him twice more and that some day he would "see the universe".  View full report

Source: Brent Raynes   ID: 659
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Abduction, Police, Missing Time, Contact, Physiological Effects, Artifact, Polygraph Test, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

The Stephen Michalak Encounter at Falcon Lake Featured Case

May, 20, 1967 - Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada

Stephen Michalak of Winnipeg, was prospecting near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, when he encountered two UFOs, one of which landed on a large, flat rock about 160 feet away from him. After having approached the object and looked inside, the object moved, and something like an exhaust vent was now in front of him. A blast of hot gas shot from these holes onto his chest, setting his shirt and undershirt on fire and causing him severe pain, and leaving burn marks in the shape of a grid.  View full report

Source: Loy Lawhon, About.com   ID: 376
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Physiological Effects, Landing, Injury, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch

Disc-shaped UFO with dome 'buzzes' automobile

October, 15, 1966 - Split Rock Pond, New Jersey, United States

"The object was directly in back and above me and followed my car along the road." He estimated the object to be approximately 25 to 30 feet wide and five or six feet high. His diagram shows a typically flat-bottomed and somewhat domed object. Simons then noticed that his car began to act abnormally.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 546
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Vehicle Interference, Physiological Effects
Cases per page:  8   16   24