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selected ufo cases

Standard / Medium Cases

Soviet Cosmonaut shadowed by UFO in Earth orbit

April, 1979 - Earth orbit, enroute to Soviet Solyut 6 Space Station,

In April of 1979, Cosmonaut Victor Afanasyev lifted off from Star City to dock with the Soviet Solyut 6 space station. But while en route, something strange happened. Cosmonaut Afanasyev saw an unidentified object turn toward his craft and begin tailing it through space.  View full report

Source: Sightings TV   ID: 392
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Astronaut/Space, Witness Photo

Do UFOs Correct Calendar Watches?

March, 27, 1979 - Oak Bluffs , Massachusetts, United States

Apparently in contact with the water, was a luminous green cylinder with rounded ends at a distance estimated at about 200 feet.  View full report

Source: Joseph Nyman, Mass. MUFON Chief Investigator, Mass. MUFON   ID: 4
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related

Mini-UFOs and Metal Pieces in Finland

March, 16, 1979 - Suonenjoki, Finland

Suddenly Jarmo heard a humming sound obliquely from behind. He turned around. At an altitude of about two meters he saw a bell-shaped mini-UFO. Now he started taking photos of the UFO. It radiated blue light and moved forward descending and ascending. After having taken five photos he started walking toward the UFO. Then the UFO disappeared.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 5, Nov. 1979   ID: 410
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo, Physical Trace, Artifact, Humming

Filiberto Cardenas Abduction and Contact Case Featured Case

January, 3, 1979 - Hialeah, Florida, United States

In January 3, 1979 a Cuban exile Filiberto Cardenas was abducted in front of his family. Later, he had an encounter introducing his wife to the entities. This may be the first case on record where the original abductee was able to successfuly introduce another person into the contact events and to actually take them aboard a UFO with them.  View full report

Source: Albert Rosales, Humanoid Catalog (1979 Reports)   ID: 695
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Contact, Water-Related, Communication, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Two police officers in UK encounter UFO (researcher Tony Dodd's sighting)

December, 12, 1978 - Skipton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

At 4:30 a.m., a lonely police patrol car was driving on a remote country road along the Cononley Moor. In the car were Sgt. Anthony Dodd and Constable Alan Dale. They saw a bright white light that seemed to be diving towards them in a glide. a big shining disc which flew over their heads at a speed of about 40 mph. At its closest, it was hardly 100 feet away from them, so that they could see a number of details. "It was a huge thing, about 100 feet in diameter, and it made no noise whatsoever."  View full report

Source: Michael Hesemann   ID: 662
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Body Lights, Silent, Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Cigar‑shaped object with curved tail seen by several, including police officer

November, 26, 1978 - Clarenville, Newfoundland, Canada

"Both Mr. Lethbridge and Constable Blackwood describe the same thing: A cigar‑shaped object with a curved tail, in the sky with blue, red and yellow flashing lights. It ranged from about thirty‑five to forty feet in diameter and hovered approximately five hundred feet above sea level with no movement. "  View full report

Source: Lee Tizzard - Brian Vike, HBCCUFO.org   ID: 583
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Witness Sketch, Communication

Landed UFO and humanoid encountered by four hunters in Spain

November, 24, 1978 - Gerena, Seville, Spain

The four witnesses were hunting in the early morning hours near the Guadiamar River, when they encountered a landed object with a humanoid being standing next to it. The UFO looked like a large earthen jar, upside down, with a red light on top. The being seemed strong and tall (some 2 meters or taller), and had on a dark-colored helmet and silvery body suit. The witnesses become frightened when the humanoid approached them, and they left the area running.  View full report

Source: Ignacio Darnaude, APRO, Sept. 1979   ID: 681
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, Physical Trace

UFO crash in Bolivia witnessed by thousands of people

May, 6, 1978 - El Taire Mountain, Bolivia

On May 6, 1978, at about 4:15 p.m., something crashed into a mountain near El Taire on the Bermejo River, the border between the Bolivian province of Tarija and Argentina. Thousands of people saw this happening and later described the object as being cylindrical in shape with a flaming tail. It had caused a supersonic bang that was heard up to 150 miles away.  View full report

Source: Michael Hesemann, 1998   ID: 635
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Crash/Retrieval, Mass Sighting

Large triangular object hovers near campers in Patapsco State Park

March, 22, 1978 - Patapsco State Park, Maryland, United States

Gary Oickle, 24, his brother David, 22, and two friends were camping in Patapsco State Park, when they encountered a huge triangular shaped object with large windows and three white lights at the corners. The object moved very slowly, hovering at times. When it appeared above them it was very low, approximately 200-250 feet, and made a sound like a "quiet wind" or "quietly rushing waterfall".  View full report

Source: APRO, April 1978   ID: 828
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Group Sighting

Veteran Pilot Encounters UFO With Portholes

January, 1, 1978 - Santa Monica, California, United States

A dome-shaped UFO with portholes was seen in broad daylight by veteran pilot Floyd P. Hallstrom of Oxnard, California. Hallstrom had been flying for 37 years, 17½ as a Navy combat air crewman and personal crew chief to admirals, including the Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet.  View full report

Source: FUFOR, MUFON UFO Journal, January 1978   ID: 37
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew, Portholes/Windows

Mass sighting of large jellyfish-like UFO over Petrosavodsk, USSR

September, 20, 1977 - Petrosavodsk, Russian Federation

Early risers in Petrosavodsk saw a bright light suddenly appearing amid the clouds at about 4:05 a.m. The star-like light came nearer and descended in a spiral trajectory, and soon looked like a ball of fire. Soon, it looked like an reddish-orange hemisphere surrounded by a bright zone. During the next few seconds, hundreds of thin rays of light, like thin arrows, were showered upon the earth. The thing now looked like a big jellyfish with golden tentacles, shining in beautiful colors.  View full report

Source: Michael Hesemann, 1998   ID: 636
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Sound, Physical Trace, Mass Sighting

Abduction by robot-like beings in Brazil (La Rubia case) Featured Case

September, 15, 1977 - Paciencia (near Rio de Janeiro), Brazil

Antonio La Rubia, a 33-year-old bus driver, encountered a huge object, which he estimated to be 70 meters (235 feet) across, sitting in a field near his home. He decided to retreat, but was unable to do so, for at the moment he started to run, an intensely bright light lit up the area, and he was unable to move. At that moment Antonio saw three "robots" positioned near him, and he was captured and taken into the disc.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 26 No. 4, Oct. 1977   ID: 464
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Physiological Effects, Injury, Humanoid/Occupant

UFO with two occupants seen by Dorset, UK woman Featured Case

September, 1977 - Parkstone, United Kingdom

Mrs. Ethel May Field, 62, a housewife, had gone out to the back garden to take in washing from the clothes-line, when she heard a humming sound which prompted her to look at the sky. She encountered a round object with a dome on top. Standing inside the windows of the object were two humanoid occupants, one at each window.  View full report

Source: Leslie Harris, FSR Vol. 24 No. 2 (1978)   ID: 632
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  'Dyad Scout Craft', Humanoid/Occupant, Physiological Effects, Humming, Witness Photo, Communication

Man has close encounter with UFO occupants (the Dawson encounter)

August, 6, 1977 - Pelham, Georgia, United States

Retired automobile salesman Tom Dawson, 63, was walking with his two dogs from his trailer home to a nearby farm when a "circular shaped space ship" with a dome and portholes, 40-50 ft in diameter and 12-14 ft high, set down in a field in front of him. He found he was unable to move a muscle. A hatch in the object opened, a ramp was extended, and 7 strange looking humans 5 ft tall emerged, five men and two women.  View full report

Source: Billy Rachels / Ronald Story (2001)   ID: 657
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Landing, 'Dyad Scout Craft'

Cigar-shaped UFO with smaller objects observed in Jemgum, Germany

March, 7, 1977 - Jemgum, Germany

A 16 year old student, standing in front of his parents house, observed a bright spot in the sky. Through his binoculars, he could see that the object was cigar-shaped and surrounded by an orange-colored halo. This object filled 4/5 of his field-of-view in the binoculars. It appeared reflective, almost glaring. Smaller objects were also observed.  View full report

Source: Illobrand von Ludwiger / MUFON-CES (1998)   ID: 654
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Multiple UFOs, Children

Dog dies after close encounter on ranch in Uruguay

February, 18, 1977 - Salto, Uruguay

Angel Maria Tonna, a 52-year-old rancher, and his foreman, witnessed a fiery disc like two plates placed face to face hovering a short distance above the ground behind the barn. The cows "were going crazy" and all the dogs were barking. The object approached, and Tonna felt electric shocks which went all through his body and a very intense heat hit him. Three days after the event, Tonna's dog, who had been 15 from the object, was found dead.  View full report

Source: APRO, August, 1977   ID: 825
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Animal Reaction, Physiological Effects

Occupant Case in Tucson

February, 10, 1977 - Tucson, Arizona, United States

Ms. Lois Stovall was sitting on her couch when she noticed a light, like a bright star. It curved toward her house, approaching at a low level. Lois and her grandmother went out into the yard, less than 50 feet from the hovering object and watched. The object was almost capsule-shaped. Inside crouched a human-shaped figure, all over gray in color, that looked puffed up, like a balloon.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 25 No. 8 (Feb. 1977)   ID: 358
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant

Brightly lit silvery colored craft during period of heavy UFO activity

February, 8, 1977 - Louisiana, United States

The first two months of 1977 brought heavy UFO activity to the state of Louisiana and eastward. On Tuesday, February 8, Mrs. Gayle Rodriguez and her son, Brian, were driving east on St. Bernard highway they saw a brightly lit silvery colored craft which flew across the highway in front of them and began a course parallel to the road.  View full report

Source: Ted Peters, APRO Bulletin, Vol. 25, No. 9, March, 1977   ID: 137
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Portholes/Windows

Abduction by machine-like beings

January, 27, 1977 - Prospect, Kentucky, United States

Lee Parish, 19, experienced missing time after seeing a UFO. Through hypnosis, he recovered the lost memory of his experience aboard the ship. "Before him stood three objects which he instinctively felt or sensed were sentient beings, although they were definitely not human: a "black one," a "red one," and a "white one.""  View full report

Source: Carlo Ruekeri, APRO Bulletin, Vol. 25 No. 7 (Jan. 1977)   ID: 354
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Abduction, Missing Time

Several witnesses view oval shaped object

December, 6, 1976 - West Simi Valley, California, United States

"It sat in one place in midair for approximately 45 minutes. It had a red light on top and green on the bottom. The position of these lights changed. There was a very bright white light in the center." All of the witnesses in this case were interviewed separately. All reported seeing the same type object as described.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 25 No. 6 (Dec. 1976)   ID: 353
Case Type: StandardCase

Repeat sightings in South Dakota

November, 27, 1976 - Milbank, South Dakota, United States

Police radio dispatcher witnesses a large, somewhat egg-shaped object, blue at its base, but flashing multi-colored lights (mostly red) higher up and having two protruding legs or antennae. Object returns again on three separate occasions.  View full report

Source: William M. Moore, APRO Bulletin, Vol. 25 No. 5 (Nov. 1976)   ID: 352
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  E-M Effects, Police

Saturn-shaped Object seen and photographed in Brazil

May, 12, 1976 - Passo Fondo, Brazil

Mr. Joshua da Silva and Mr. Gesareo Goncalves were driving in Goncalves' car. At ten A.M. when they were less than fifty kilometers from Passo Fondo, da Silva spotted a silver metallic spherical object resembling the planet Saturn, replete with ring. They estimated the object which had a "brushed metal" surface to be six to eight meters (twenty to twenty six feet) in diameter.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Nov. 1978   ID: 409
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo

Police officer has repeat sighting Featured Case

April, 22, 1976 - Elmwood, Wisconsin, United States

At about 11 p.m., George Wheeler, a relief policeman at the town of Elmwood, WI, encountered a strange glowing object which he estimated was about 500 feet distant and hovering about 100 feet off the ground. There were six bluish-white lights, windows or portholes on the side and he could see shadows as if someone was moving inside of it. This case involves apparent electro-mechanical effects, multiple witnesses, and possible animal reaction.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 24 No. 10 (Apr 1976)   ID: 341
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  E-M Effects, Police, Animal Reaction, Multiple UFOs, Witness Photo, Witness Sketch, Portholes/Windows

Landing of dome-shaped UFO witnessed at close range in Kettering, Tasmania

February, 1976 - Kettering, Australia

A 39 year-old man in Little Oyster Cove encountered an extraordinary dome-shaped object which had landed. Through the windows of the metallic object, he saw a tall cylindrical object (which he likened to a ship's compass mounting) and 'motionless grey shapes' (like car seats with headrests seen from the rear), perhaps entities. The object rose slowly from the ground, then increased speed and was gone. The next morning, a circular patch of scorched grass was found at the site.  View full report

Source: Bill Chalker (1996)   ID: 630
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Landing, Physical Trace, Witness Sketch, Humming, Portholes/Windows
Cases per page:  8   16   24