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Have you seen a UFO?
UFO Sighting Brief Report Form

Thank you for reporting your UFO sighting or experience.  Sighting reports can be viewed after completing the form. 

Have you, or someone you know, seen a UFO?

Date (or Year) of Sighting
(approximate if unknown)

Location of Sighting
(City, State, Country)


Duration of Sighting
(how long the sighting lasted)

Number of Objects
(how many objects there were)

Number of Witnesses
(how many people, including yourself, saw the object/s)

Brief Summary/Description of Sighting
(1-2 sentence)

Full Description and Details.  Please provide as much detail as possible.

Personal Background (optional) (e.g., occupation, education, etc.):

Did you report this sighting / experience?
If yes, where or to whom did you report it?

Your Name (optional, but requested):   

Check here if you do not wish your name to be shown

Your Email Address:
(optional - your email will not be shown on the site)

Your Location
(city, state, country):

Your Age (optional):

Do you have any additional comments, or general views on UFOs?

Drawings, sketches, or photographs:
If you can provide a drawing or simple sketch of the object you saw, please send it to the address below.  We will post the drawing on the website along with your sighting report as soon as we receive it.  We would be very interested in receiving any drawings of your UFO sighting. Please include your name, email and location along with your drawings, so that we can reference the correct sighting report when we post the images.

Send drawings and images via email to:

Or, via postal mail to:
UFO Evidence
6104 N.E. 60th
Seattle, WA 98115 - USA

(This information will also be shown on the next confirmation page.)

Check this box if you will be sending a drawing or photograph