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Are UFOs real?  Survey Results

Are UFOs real? Name, Location, Date

I truly believe in UFO's, I have had a very strange encounter about 12 months ago.
Since this experiance I have felt rundown and not myself. I have only spoke about this
experiance to my wife. I am prepared to talk about my encounter, if you can help me with this do feel free to contact me.

Simon Mason
Bolton, Gtr Manchester, United Kindom
7/9/2004 6:59:11 AM

could this be space debre? parts of a satallite that decomposes as it hits the earths atmosphere?


7/8/2004 8:11:08 PM

Without a doubt!

Roslyn, New York, United States
7/7/2004 6:51:44 PM

UFOs are only an illusions of sick brains and mad people....that's what i had to say! if somebody can improve the opposite to me - let's do it!

Varna, Bulgaria
7/7/2004 5:41:47 AM

yes they are. ive seen 1 and heard 1.

fort lauderdale florida united states
7/6/2004 3:25:11 PM

Yes they are because if we finding alien so there could be other animal finding us.
The conclusion is YES THERE ARE ALIEN

NIkhil J. Soneji
Mumbai, Mharashtra, India
7/6/2004 7:46:43 AM

i think ufos are real as i never seen one my self yet i think they exist as we are not the only life form on this univers

totton southampton uk
7/6/2004 6:43:26 AM

Yes, I believe so. But i'm more concerned with the definition of the term...'UFO'.
Just look at the internet...no disrespect for your site intended...popular books by very serious writers indeed...and then people in general. I have a psuedo test I do when I'm around some serious folks regardless of thier belief. I bring the subject prefacing a strong imphasis on just the data or even percieved 'Hard' data...usually in less than a minute the conversation degrades in aliens abductions crop circles and people generally joking...even when i attempt to steer it to a serious conversation...it is like pulling teeth. I'd swear the 'Third Law of Lying'(hienlein) was in full force. It is like the UFO community is out to destroy itself or atleast it's credibility.
Normally I quit trying to lead the conversation after I get to make one point...what if there had never been a UFO report...then tomorrow there was one of the good ones...you know with multiple radar...FAA...military and a few professional witnesses...how serious would it be taken? I'll admit that question is now more effective after 9/11.
But generally still laughed off...billions of dollars of equiptment that thousands of lives depend on daily having simultansous glitches...some for over a minute...that is a long time...in the air and on the ground...and nobody is concerned. The unbelievers because they think the whole thing is embellished...but the belivers also generally because, what I feel, it doesn't tickle thier fancy as much as all the other stuff. Oh and because 'They' all 'know' what it is...the theories are more suductive.
Don't know who will read this but thankyou for letting me rant...very nice site!

kevin mcculley
okc, ok, USA
7/5/2004 4:07:45 PM

Ufo may be real, but where does it come from may bring a little confuse. We keep saying that ufo is something comes from the space but what if it comes from our planet, since our radars don't noticed any outer object like ufo comes in from our space. Some places like Bermuda Triangle could be suspected. Since they're all in the same shape (some sort like saucer or disk), not like our aircraft, they might be in one 'team'. Our ancestor stories like 'hantu lampu' (light ghost) which comes with sounds like motors and could be seen at paddy field (usually) might be ufos. My friend of mine has saw such phenomenon at Besut, Terengganu.

jerteh, terengganu, malaysia
7/5/2004 8:49:14 AM

Of course they are, look at the overwhelming evidence

7/4/2004 4:20:00 PM


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