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selected ufo cases

Disc / Saucer Shape

Saucer-shaped UFO with dome seen in Western Pennsylvania

October, 1965 - Pennsylvania, United States

"I saw this saucer shaped disc with a dome on top about 500 to 800 feet up in the sky in front of me. It was silver yellow in color and about 30 feet in diameter. It went vertical for about 1000 feet, then made a sharp angle and disappeared at a high rate of speed, 2 or 3 seconds, no noise."  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 765
Case Type: RawReport

South African constables observe disc-shaped object resting on highway

September, 16, 1965 - Pretoria, South Africa

On the night of September 16 two Pretoria, S. Africa, constables came upon a disc-shaped object resting on the highway. The headlights of their police van illuminated the copper-colored object which appeared to be about 30 feet in diameter. On top of the UFO was a small dome. In seconds the UFO suddenly lifted off the road, emitting tongues of flame.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 555
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Police, Physical Trace, Landing

Rex Heflin UFO Photographs Featured Case

August, 3, 1965 - Santa Ana, California, United States

Rex Heflin, an Orange County highway inspector, was at work in a county vehicle at 12:37 P.M when he saw a hat-shaped (disc with dome) object hovering above the road. He grabbed his Polaroid camera and took three photographs of the metallic-appearing object and a fourth of a black "smoke ring" left behind by the object.  View full report

Source: STUDIOVNI   ID: 253
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Photo

Sid Padrick Contact Case

January, 30, 1965 - Watsonville, California, United States

Sid Padrick described seeing a disc-shaped craft, “like two real thick saucers inverted,” some 50 feet in diameter and 30 feet from the ground. Padrick claimed that he then began to cautiously walk toward the craft. A door appeared and Padrick walked inside, and soon was conversing with a very human appearing gentleman wearing some sort of flying suit.  View full report

Source: Brent Raynes   ID: 963
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Witness Sketch, Contact, Humanoid/Occupant

Huge disc shaped object with bright light around edge

January, 1965 - Dorrington, Brisbane, Australia

"The object had come below the cloud cover and we couldn't believe what we were looking at. This huge disc shaped object with very bright light around it's circumference. It was travelling very slow (about 20 miles an hour), then the noise started.It was a screaming high pitched sound which had my wife in agony, hands over her ears and crying with pain."  View full report

Source: Brian Vike, HBCCUFO Research (www.hbccufo.org)   ID: 449
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

County councillor reveals sighting of dome-shaped UFO in Cornwall, UK

1965 - Karslake, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Joan Vincent, County and Restormel Borough Councillor, revealed that she and her husband Roy had observed a mystery craft late at night during 1965 in a then rural area. The matter remained "virtually a family secret" over the years because the couple feared that they would be ridiculed if they told their story. The UFO was "a large, dome-shaped object that looked as if it were made of glass," estimated to be 50-70 feet across and 30-40 feet high.  View full report

Source: Ian Shepherd, Cornish Guardian (Bodmin, England), Nov. 26, 1998   ID: 729
Case Type: PressReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows, Witness Sketch, Witness Photo

Idaho 'Mining UFOs'

1965 - Spring Creek Ridge, Idaho, United States

Two men were camped on a bluff overlooking a valley. When they awoke in the early morning they noticed a shiny spot on the ore dump of a Spring Creek Mine across the valley. Using the scopes affixed to their rifles, they observed the "shiny object" which actually was one of four which were hovering over the ore dump. Protruding from the top of the objects were four hose-like devices which were inserted into the slag piles and were moving around.  View full report

Source: APRO Bulletin, Vol. 22 No. 2 (Sept/Oct 1973)   ID: 300
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Portholes/Windows, Multiple UFOs

Fragment of unidentified object lands in Kallavesi Lake, Finland

August, 1964 - Kallavesi Lake, Finland

Mr. Raimo Blomqvist was visiting with his parents at their summer cottage, when he suddenly noticed a strange, colourful light ball coming from the sky. The light came nearer and turned out to be an oval glowing object. While the object was hovering above the shallow water of the island he saw something falling from the object. Mr. Blomqvist recovered a 3-4 cm long piece of stone.  View full report

Source: Finnish UFO Research Association   ID: 826
Case Type: .    Features:  Artifact
Cases per page:  8   16   24