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selected ufo cases

Standard / Medium Cases

Commercial Plane Follows UFO over New York State

April, 8, 1958 - New York, United States

April 8, 1956: A very brilliant light was followed across New York State by an American Airlines plane. The pilots were Capt. Raymond Ryan and First Officer William Neff. The chase was described by radio to Air Force and civilian control tower operators. The following account of the sighting is taken from a tape-recorded interview program.  View full report

Source: Richard Hall, UFO Evidence, 1964   ID: 1104
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew

Fisherman in Brazil watch UFO with portholes over sea

April, 1958 - Brazil

"When the machine was at a distance of some 40 metres from him and the group of fishermen, and about 15 metres above the water, it began to rock sideways, and then stopped and hung there. It seemed to have three distinguishable parts: the upper half was the colour of aluminium, like an inverted bowl, and on the top of it was a small protuberance or dome."  View full report

Source: Gordon W. Creighton, FSR Vol. 10 No. 6, Nov.-Dec, 1964   ID: 624
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Water-Related, Humming, Portholes/Windows

Enormous UFO seen by soldier during Algerian War

March, 1958 - Bouhamama, Algeria

Legionnaire N.G., was on sentry duty at a Foreign Legion camp at Bouahmama during the Algerian War, when he saw an enormous, roundish object descending. It stopped when it was about 35-40 metres above the ground, and began to hover there, motionless and silent. He estimated it to be as much as 350 metres wide. The witness feels that something most unusual happened to him psychologically.  View full report

Source: Joel Mesnard, FSR Vol. 19. No. 3   ID: 594
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Physiological Effects

Cigar-shaped UFO with occupants seen through windows

December, 16, 1957 - Old-Saybrook, Connecticut, United States

I saw that it was a cigar-shaped object, brightly lit and with square portholes, hovering just above my clothesline. I could see men inside. . ." The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet long and dark grey or black in color. It hovered motionless about five feet above the ground. Through its lighted windows Mrs. Starr saw two figures that passed each other, walking in opposite directions.  View full report

Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon),   ID: 558
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Portholes/Windows

November, 6, 1957 - Merom, Indiana, United States

Rene Gilham, a 33 year-old ironworker, saw that a brightly luminous object was hovering overhead. Gilham estimated its size as 40 feet in diameter, and its altitude as 1000 feet.  View full report

Source: Herb Taylor / Ohio MUFON Case Notebook / Project-1947 Discussion List, November 5, 2003   ID: 6
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Physiological Effects

Astronaut Gordon Cooper Witnesses UFO Landing at Edwards AFB Featured Case

1957 - Edwards AFB, California, United States

"I had a camera crew filming the installation when they spotted a saucer. They filmed it as it flew overhead, then hovered, extended three legs as landing gear, and slowly came down to land on a dry lake bed! It was a classic saucer, shiny silver and smooth, about 30 feet across. It was pretty clear it was an alien craft."  View full report

Source: John Cooke   ID: 357
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Military, Famous Person, Witness Photo

Metal artifact found after close encounter on Island of Vaddo, Sweden

November, 11, 1956 - Isle of Vaddo, Sweden

Stig Ekberg and Harry Sjoberg were driving on the Island of Vaddo, Sweden, when they were approached by a flattened sphere shaped object. It settled in the middle of the road, about 100 meters in front of them. After about ten minutes, the object lifted off and accelerated away. At the landing site, the witnesses found a shiny "rock" that was hot to the touch. It was a three-sided piece of metal about the size of a matchbox, and had a heavy weight. Upon analysis, the object was found to be composed of tungsten carbide and cobalt.  View full report

Source: Jacques Vallee, in Peter Sturrock, 'The UFO Enigma'   ID: 837
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Artifact, Vehicle Interference, Smell/Odor, Physical Trace

Canadian military pilots see and photograph UFO

August, 27, 1956 - McCleod, Alberta, Canada

The witnesses were two Royal Canadian Air Force pilots who were flying in a formation of four F86 Sabre jet aircraft. One of the pilots saw a "bright light which was sharply defined and disk-shaped," that resembled "a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal." The first pilot to notice the object took a photograph.  View full report

Source: STUDIOVNI   ID: 255
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Photo, Military, Pilot/Aircrew
Cases per page:  8   16   24