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selected ufo cases

Contact Cases

Paul Villa Photo and Contact Case Featured Case

June, 16, 1963 - Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Apolinar (Paul) Villa, a mechanic of Albuquerque, New Mexico, had a unique privilege having prearranged meetings with Space People for the specific purpose of taking pictures of their craft. They told him they came from the galaxy of Coma Berenices, many light years distance.  View full report

Source: Gabriel Green, UFO International, 1965   ID: 985
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Contact, Contactee, Photo, Witness Photo

Florentine tailor taken aboard UFO and given message

April, 10, 1962 - San Casciano, Italy

Florentine tailor Mario Zuccala, who was walking home through a wood, watched as an object like an inverted bowl passed overhead and came close to the ground. From its underside came a cylinder, which opened up, and two beings emerged. They took hold of the witness gently under his armpits and led him into the empty interior of the object. The only part Zuccala could remember was a message that they would return to give him a message for humanity.  View full report

Source: Peter Rogerson, Magonia 50, September 1994   ID: 757
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Humanoid/Occupant, Contact

Udo Wartena Contact Case in 1940

May, 1940 - Boulder Mountain, Montana, United States

At an isolated location miner Udo Wartena saw a large disc shaped object about 35 foot high and over 100 feet across hovering above a meadow. The object resembled two soup plates, one inverted over the other and stainless steel in appearance. Wartena then saw a staircase unfold from the bottom of the craft. Out of it came a man who asked him if the ship could take some water. The man then invited Wartena inside the object. Wartena accepted and met another man inside that told him they had come from a distant planet and were 609 years old.  View full report

Source: Warren Aston, UFO Magazine March/April 1998   ID: 1032
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Contact, Humming, Water-Related, Physical Trace
Cases per page:  8   16   24