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selected ufo cases

Witness Sketches

Black triangular object seen above motorway near Stirling, Scotland

July, 6, 1997 - Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom

Black triangular UFO seen hovering above the motorway by four passengers in a car, in Stirling, Scotland in 1997. The object had a small rectangular "bar" at one apex. The object was an equliateral (or very close) triangle with sides of possibly 30 to 40ft. The sighting took place on the M9 (M80) motorway near Stirling in Scotland, a very rural area of Scotland.  View full report

Source: UFOEvidence.org   ID: 925
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch

Witnesses in sailing ship observe UFO with lights in France

July, 3, 1997 - Perigny, France

In the night of July 3, 1997 at 4 a.m., a witness in his sailing ship observes an intense gleam which goes down quickly during 2 to 3 seconds, stabilizes itself a few moments before moving out again very quickly horizontally to disappear in 2 or 3 seconds approximately. The witness calls his two fellow-members who were sleeping to announce his observation to them when they are witnesses to a second phenomenon in the form of yellow rhombus ochre with lights on the tops.  View full report

Source: GEIPAN (French government UFO program)   ID: 1122
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Body Lights, Water-Related, Witness Sketch

The Phoenix Lights Featured Case

March, 13, 1997 - Phoenix, Arizona, United States

The Phoenix Lights UFO incident is a complex series of events that took place on March 13, 1997 over the states of Nevada, Arizona, and possibly New Mexico, and which would quickly become known as the "Phoenix Lights" sightings. It involved sightings by tens, or perhaps even hundreds, of thousands of witnesses on the ground, and it gave rise to a storm of controversy over what had caused the event.  View full report

Source: Peter B. Davenport, Director, National UFO Reporting Center   ID: 270
Case Type: MajorCase    Features:  Mass Sighting, Silent, Photo, Witness Sketch, Famous Person, Witness Photo

Oscillating, orange cigar-shape object mesmerizes two young brothers

January, 1997 - Crestview Subdivision, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada

Two brothers age 11 and 13 were sitting in their living room. While watching television, something caught the attention of the younger gentleman's eye. He was shocked to see an orange cigar shape with a yellow centre as depicted by his drawing below. The edges were well defined and there was a soft orange glow emanating around the object.  View full report

Source: Martin Jasek (Yukon Report)   ID: 885
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Children, Witness Sketch

22+ Witnesses Observe a UFO Larger than a Football Stadium Featured Case

December, 11, 1996 - Yukon Territory, Canada

On December 11th, 1996 an incredible "UFO event" took place in the Yukon Territory, Canada. The giant craft was believed to be from a half mile to over a mile in diameter based on triangulation calculations and the testimony of the witnesses.  View full report

Source: Investigated by Martin Jasek, M.Sc., P. Eng.   ID: 96
Case Type: StandardCase    Features:  Group Sighting, Witness Sketch

Father and two sons witness object with lights travelling slowly

October, 8, 1996 - North Croydon & Wonga Park, Australia

The object was then at its closest point to us. It had a large bright light at either end, with 4 Possibly 5 smaller lights in between. At either end, behind the large lights there were very small red and blue lights that were not easily visible. These smaller lights looked like portholes. The large light on the leading end went out and there was a dimmer light coming from inside, similar to an interior light of a car shining out the windscreen.  View full report

Source: VUFORS (Victorian UFO Research Society), Australia   ID: 732
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Witness Sketch, Body Lights, Portholes/Windows

Oval-shaped objects with portholes observed in France

September, 16, 1996 - Corme Royal, France

On September 16, 1996 in the 5 hour old neighbourhoods, the witness in his car observes an ovoid [oval-shaped] machine [object] with three port-holes emitting a strong orange light. The object is stationary at an altitude of 30 to 40 meters and between 300 and 400 meters from the road. The somewhat frightened witness continues on the road and subsequently observes two identical objects higher in the sky. The objects observed were dark and their size estimated at ten meters length. No explanation was found with this close observation.  View full report

Source: GEIPAN (French government UFO Program)   ID: 1121
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Portholes/Windows, Vehicle Encounter, Multiple UFOs, Witness Sketch

Dome-shaped object with lights in Pont de Salars, France

September, 12, 1996 - Pont de Salars, France

On September 12, 1996 around 8 p.m., a mother and her daughter in their car observe an object made up of an ovoid [oval-shaped] skirt [?] and a surmounted cylinder on a dome with three lights (port-holes?) sharp red. On the cylinder, a fluorescent green light turned like a gyrophare [?]. The object, silent, was suspended 4 meters off the ground and approximately ten meters from the road. Its size is estimated as two cars [size] approximately. The object disappeared at the end of a few minutes. The phenomenon observed was not explained.  View full report

Source: GEIPAN (French government UFO program)   ID: 1120
Case Type: SummaryReport    Features:  Body Lights, Silent, Witness Sketch
Cases per page:  8   16   24