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selected ufo cases

Night Lights (NL)

Pilot sighting of glowing orange sphere in Tranquillity, California

July, 28, 1978 - Tranquillity, California, United States

From the witness: "That sighting of 28 July made a very deep and lasting impression. I can still see the glowing orange, flattened sphere as vividly in my mind as it appeared on that early morning many years ago. I have no doubt that the device (or whatever it was) was real - there is absolutely no way that it could have been a product of my imagination."  View full report

Source: Brian Vike, HBCCUFO Research (hbccufo.org)   ID: 1056
Case Type: RawReport    Features:  Pilot/Aircrew

Three bright lights follow close by the side of the car

1974 - Jackson, Mississippi, United States

Far ahead, just above treetop level, there were three very bright lights that were positioned like landing lights on a commercial jet. The two outer lights were like the ones on a jet's wings, and the center at a slighty higher position, like the nose landing light.  View full report

Source: UFO Evidence   ID: 77
Case Type: RawReport
Cases per page:  8   16   24