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UFO Sighting Report


December, 2010


Mount Laurel, New Jersey, United States


A bright light fadeing in and out and dissapearing and comeing back so bright i coulden stare at it seen multiple times throught the month at least 4 or 5 times on seperate occasions

Date Reported:

12/22/2010 9:17:18 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



about 3 to 4 hours

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

A bright light almost like a star but too big to be one that moved slowly up and down very suddenly then becomeing to bright to even stare at then fadeing away and comeing back 30 seconds later

Size of Object(s)

about the size of 3 stars put together in the sky but when it was very bright about the size of the moon on a normal night

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

up in the sky i would say about 1000 feet in the air probly higher

Description of Area / Surroundings

it is a rural new jersey nieghborhood 10mins outside philadelphia. there is a airport about 15miles away but planes ahd gone by the bright light and in no way were they compareable

Full Description & Details

I was sleeping in my girlfriends basement when i looked out her slideing glass doors to see a unusally bright light in the sky it was way to bright to be a star and it was so bright that stareing at it for more then maybe 3 seconds was impossible. I stared at it for maybe 15 minutes until it became so bright that it pretty much lit up the sky and faded away into nothing. then it came back just as bright and stayed in the sky. i then awoke my girlfriend who was laying next to me so i had another witness so i wouldent seem crazy the next day. me and her watched this light stay in the sky and fade away maybe until 630am when the sun was finally starting to come up a little bit and then it continued to stay in the sky!! which finally proved to me that it could not be a star. i would have just knocked this sighting off but when ive seen it on 4 diffrent occasions with my girlfriend and her family then i started to believe it was a ufo.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I would say a star but in my whole life i know a star could never get that bright and fade away and it was no way compareable to a plane

Witness Background

freshman in college

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I have always kinda believed were not alone in the universe but this defintly makes me believe there are ufos without a doubt

Other Comments

believe me if i didnt think that this was a ufo i wouldent have took the time to write this report this is without a doubt a ufo sighting

Reported Sighting? 



Sean Behrle

Your Location: 

Philadelphia,PA , U.S.A


