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UFO Sighting Report


February, 3, 2011


Atlanta, Georgia, United States


I was on the way to school on the Interstate and was listening to music. I was thinking about ufo's and I happened to look into the sky when I saw a white light and saw it was a ufo as I got closer.

Date Reported:

2/3/2011 8:24:53 PM

Sighting Time: 

6:40 AM



No. of Witnesses: 


Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Triangular with three white lights, each light at each of the angles of the triangle. It appeared to be black in color (the ufo).

Description of Area / Surroundings

I was on the interstate on the way to school. Urban area. No special sites, at least not to my knowledge.

Full Description & Details

I was on the way to school on the Interstate and was listening to music. This was around 6:40 am in the morning, 2/3/11. I was thinking about ufo's and I happened to look into the sky when I saw a white light. I kept staring at it as I got closer to it and when I got really close to it I focused my eyes and realized that it was a ufo. It was triangular in shape and it was just sitting there, not moving at all. There were, if I remember correctly, three white lights, each at an angle of the triangle. I stared at it until I passed it.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

It could have been a man-made ufo or a alien-made ufo. I know it was a ufo and not a "natural" object.

Witness Background

I am a High School student.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I know they exist and not all ufo's belong to aliens. I am aware that the government has some of their own ufo's which they have made. I've believed/known in/about ufo's and alien's for a while. I know quite a bit about them.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

A few of my friends at school.


Dante Uruzu

Your Location: 

Atlanta, GA, US


