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UFO Sighting Report


February, 14, 2011


Sundarbans, West Bengal, India


A very bright Unrecognizable object was observed in West Bengal Mangrove Forests near Boney Camp crossing the sky at Great speed on the evening (~7.30 PM) leaving the observers astonished adding to the suspected abundance of UFO activities in eastern part of nation.

Date Reported:

3/2/2011 1:41:14 AM

Sighting Time: 

07:30 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



few seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Bright object without any pulse.round no elliptic nature. At least one fourth the size of full moon. Very bright and extremely fast. Appeared from nowhere and did not reach other horizon destiny point. not from horizon to horizon. Event for a few seconds.

Size of Object(s)

one fourth size of full moon

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

About 2 km from boat, 10 mtr above horizon

Description of Area / Surroundings

Swamp Forests

Full Description & Details

A very bright Unrecognizable object was observed in West Bengal Mangrove Forests near Boney Camp crossing the sky at Great speed on the evening (~7.30 PM) leaving the observers astonished adding to the suspected abundance of UFO activities in eastern part of nation. This comes close on the heels of two reports already much discussed about. One was the video recording of UFO at Calcutta another being the recent UFO witnessed by Air India Pilot in Bihar-West Bengal Border. Two Indian Citizens holding respectable positions in society moving in a boat for a study, through a creek near Boney camp witnessed the event. Boat was heading in southern direction during that time after entering in to a smaller river from main river. Landscape is perfectly swampy and no habitations are found in this region suggesting no other human induced activity. Sunderbans is one among the last few huge wetlands surviving on Earth and cannot be accessed for interior areas, by any other means than boat. Camp nearby is one among very few rest points available in this mostly unmanned territory. The event was so sudden and could not be seen by other co-travelers (assisting crew) sitting opposite faced. Boat was at location (Coordinates : 21°51'6"N, 88°35'43"E ) while moving towards the camp in the evening. Suddenly both the persons saw the object moving from East to West (looking towards southern direction) for about few seconds and vanishing in the air. It was absolutely bright and pretty larger than a star or shooting star. Since assistants were facing north they could not get the glimpse. It was a clear rural sky unlike that of light polluted major city like Calcutta. Object moved parallel to horizon and was perceived to be not more than 2 km from the boat. Object was absolutely silent and travelled at amazing and unimaginable speed. Immediate comment of one of the person was “Prachando speed” (meaning impossible speed). Since the geo location was checked few minutes before the event by the persons with their mobile device , they could report it precisely. Object they said was felt to be near the ground rather than ‘be in the sky’, with relative judgment like that of a sky bound aircraft and a chopper relatively near the ground. Upon further discussion it was understood that object was at least one fourth the size of full moon pointing towards its proximity to observers.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Due to the speed and brightness human origin is difficult to explain.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

not much. discussion with friends, colleagues and recent TV footages in India.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

hyderabad, india


