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UFO Sighting Report


April, 26, 2011


Hilo, Hawaii,


UFO EVIDENCE REPORT MY SECOND ATTEMPT TO RECORD IT WITH SOMEONE. 05.12.11 THURSDAY NIGHT AT 8.32 P.M. *MY THIRD (3X) ATTEMPT TO RECORD AND COMPLETE FORM 5.14.11 PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THIS GETS RECEIVED. MAHALO. A-Z and then, more. I kept trying to figure out what part of the airplane I was looking at/seeing outside the patio, stationary-in mid air, with 'rays' of 'light' (4) light a flashlight beam in the dark atmosphere, and glowing bright white 'orbs' (4) of them, two orbs shown two flash light beams each = 4 pillars. The same two orbs liquified energy of 'red' and 'green' colors on the outer edges of their orb. These two orbs were much larger than the others, and they also grew 'wider' as I studied them. Eye level, 5th story, noiseless, stationary, GLOWING TRANSFERRING-ENERGY 'Lights' Perhaps the TRUTH IS too difficult for people to accept and they rather believe a lie as the TRUTH may be too overwhelming for many folks. However, I would like to know what the TRUTH really is and the cover-up or deception of information is getting pretty old. Now with mass communication the information, thoughts, ideas, etc. are out there. I only wish that the United States Government and anyone who is trying to hold back the information and the people from finding out what the truth is, I want to see answers to the truth. The truth is being revealed. Who ever is preventing the truth from coming out, I wish they would stop doing that and allow people to know what the truth is. I know that there are many questions that I would like to have answered. How about you? (5-13-11 FOR THE RECORD, 2X) I TRIED TO MAKE 'SENSE' OUT OF IT. What I 'identify' as 'lights' were more like 'liquid circular-like balls of energy that sort of 'rotated' and 'grew in original size' 'like a lens shutter opens and closes' it "captivated all of my attention in the moments of thought" as I tried to figure out what part of an airplane was I viewing? Was it the side view? Was it the front? Just what perspective was I seeing? I was trying to make sense of it by identifying it as an airplane, which, of course, it was not. It was a UFO. A very inquisitive, bold, and curiously 'friendly' one. It was different. It was a pleasure to experience. It was a very "happy" time-experience. Enjoyable. Refreshing. Happy... IT was not small, it was pretty big. Its ability allows it to 'transform' change in size, shape, dimension, color, brightness, intensity, closeness, distance, etc. all at the same time. How can I describe this to you for you to see and understand what I saw? Imagine something like liquid, jellowy, formless but all at the same time with form...something amazingly phenomenal This object seemed to 'come in closer' the more I pondered and 'questioned' what I was trying to make sense out of it and trying to figure out how this airplane was positioned in the sky, which it was not, and it was far from being any type of an airplane! This thing was absolutely amazing and beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful! Distance: Eye level with me, 5th floor, balcony, Height: 5th floor balcony, between two coconut trees, level with coconut tree fond leaves, over the ocean, and at the same time, near and up close Close and eye level distance Looking in at me through the window...Really!!!!Cool, and breath taking experience, a real heart throb. Nothing man made, nothing conventional that we know of, nothing of earth, nothing from here. This object that I saw and experienced, was more than just a site of it, it was definately an experience from it, because it was intelligent energy... I would identify it as Intelligent Energy and nothing less than that. just me, unless someone from around here had the same experience. Actually, it awoke me from sleep to open my eyes and see it, so it was probably more or longer than a few minutes. The actual time I saw it was 4:20 a.m., but I would say the time before that too. I think only a few minutes, but, perhaps hours.. The Big Island Of Hawaii, East Side, Between Four Mile Beach and Richardson Beach, Right behind the Hale Mauna Condominiums, outside the balcony lanai of #507, between the two coconut trees, at the height of the fond leaves, above the ocean water, close up, too. ing, April 26, 2011. I have had the opportunity to experience many sightings, but none like this one, that is why I am trying to record it and provide it as evidence, because this sighting 'makes me smile' literally. It provided me with a message and the message was good. Because of that fact, this is being entered for your eyes to view also. This is getting placed all together in the top location of the evidence report as this is the THIRD (3X) that I am trying to send this information to you. It keeps getting erased and the form disappears completely from the computer screen. So What’s Up? Denise Reghetti O. Box 111 Hakalau, Hawaii 96710 808.769.7125

Date Reported:

5/14/2011 11:56:52 AM



Witness Background

Big Island House Cleaning

Other Comments




I did do a sketch, but I want to try and send this so it gets through to you. I will try to send sketch later.


Denise Reghetti

Your Location: 

Hilo, Hawaii


