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UFO Sighting Report


July, 30, 2011



aturday July 30, 2011 at 9:30 PM there was an Unidentified Flying Object seen around the following coordinates 40.188316,-74.038639 (Shark River New Jersey / Belmar).

Date Reported:

8/3/2011 1:00:33 PM

Sighting Time: 

9:30 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



5 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

RED in color Dimmer than a commercial aircraft at 20,000 + feet

Size of Object(s)

A Red dot in the sky (similar to a star)

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

40,000 + feet

Description of Area / Surroundings

New Jersey Shore / Belmar / Shark River

Full Description & Details

REPORTING: U.F.O. NJ 7/31/11

Reporting that on Saturday July 30, 2011 at 9:30 PM there was an Unidentified Flying Object seen around the following coordinates 40.188316,-74.038639 (Shark River New Jersey / Belmar).


There were two Commercial Aircraft in the clear night sky flying rather high (ruff estimate 20,000 + feet) up but had strobes going and were brighter than the normal stars in magnitude. The object in question was trailing behind an Aircraft at a distance and its magnitude was dimer than the aircraft and the color of it was red (ruff estimate 30,000 ++ feet) The object traveled following the coast line (from south to North) and it did get a burst of a brighter red (magnitude would be that of the commercial aircraft) just before disappearing.

I checked to see if there were satellites in flyby of the area and found 1 but I am throwing this out as the object because in my past experience these are significantly smaller in size than the object in question and because they are extremely high up (not really visible in a city type of environment due to the light pollution that can be found in the area).

I did video of the event but the camera I used caught nothing due to the low light.

If you or anyone you know had a sighting in this area please have them post a reply. So far none of the reporting areas have anything on this object

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I checked to see if there were satellites in flyby of the area and found 1 but I am throwing this out as the object because in my past experience these are significantly smaller in size than the object in question and because they are extremely high up (not really visible in a city type of environment due to the light pollution that can be found in the area).

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

U.F.O. exist. Whether they are man made or that from another planet / system is yet to be determined.

Reported Sighting? 

