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UFO Sighting Report


August, 19, 2011


Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


Saw two orange, non-blinking, lights moving slowly across the sky at 10:39 p.m. Atlantic Time in a North Easterly direction. After about a minute they faded out. Thirty seconds later a third light was seen moving in the same direction, it too faded. The lights were shaped like a lightbulb or balloon.

Date Reported:

8/20/2011 6:08:48 AM

Sighting Time: 

10:39 p.m. Atlantic time



No. of Witnesses: 



Approx. 2- 3 min.

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

They were orange in colour, balloon or bulb shaped. Moved very slowly and silently.

Size of Object(s)

The lights were at least 5X larger than the stars.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Hard to say. Probably lower than an airplane due to clarity of light. But can't be sure.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Suburban area. Some local businesses and homes.

Full Description & Details

At 10:39 p.m. Atlantic time, spotted two orange lights moving in a North Easterly direction across the sky. It was cloudless at the time. The moon was still low on the horizon and had an orange tinge. The two objects moved very slowly. They were not airplanes. The lights did not blink or flicker. They were shaped like a lightbulb or balloon. However, a hot-air balloon would not suddenly fade away.

After a minute or so the lights faded out. First one, and then when the other reached the same location it too faded out.

Thirty seconds later a third light appeared. This light was the same shape and travelled at the same speed as the others. It too faded out at the same spot.

They made no noise, as an airplane or helicopter would have made. The lights were at least 5X larger than any star.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Have never seen anything similar and I have seen airplanes, balloons, etc.

Witness Background

Freelance writer.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I believe that there are unexplained phenomena. I have studied UFOs and have never seen them before. I have seen meteorite showers, seen a fireball, and other objects which are explainable. But I have never seen a UFO. I am open to the idea of aliens, but I also believe that the majority of sightings are caused by something natural.

Reported Sighting? 



Kevin Toal

Your Location: 

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


