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UFO Sighting Report


October, 2, 2011


New York City, New York, United States


A Big black round object with a triangular like tail.It was in Manhattan Skys on 10-02-2011 around 5.30 p.m. It was in the sky still and not moving, as soon as we pointed at it it took off in lightning speed.

Date Reported:

10/3/2011 11:17:57 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



6-7 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

It was a big black round shape with a triangular tail hovering in the sky.

Size of Object(s)

relative size like a Half an inch.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Right Over Manhattan Sky. It was like right over119th street and 5th avenue, NYC.

Full Description & Details

It was gonna rain and the sky started to get really dark. So I was just looking at the dark clouds passing by when I spotted the Object hovering. 1st I though it was a black balloon. As I continued watching the clouds pass by it just clicked my mind if its a balloon why is it not moving.......that's when it got my attention. Then I showed it to my friend who was watching the clouds passing by with me - He was telling me if I ever noticed that the clouds sees to be saw low. At this point I showed the object to him - do you see that thing on the sky? He got so excited and said , what the hell is that. and it was still there and then we showed it to a 3rd friend and he also saw it too. We were all like what is it and we started to point at it. Then when all 3 of us looking at it 2 of us pointing at it it started to swing and as soon as it started to swing it just took of vertically like a super super lightning speed. The 3rd friend yelled it going up , its going up... until it got so tiny and dissipated like in 5 seconds. All 3 of us were looking at each other in shock - what the hell was it. My friend and I had a bet too I said that it will be in the news and he said no it will not be in the news. we were the only people who saw it. So I loose the bet its not in the news and I'm surprised!!

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

NO WAY it was a man made or natural. Not an object that can travel at that speed vertically. it just Disappeared in lighting speeds.....

Witness Background

Engineer .( Sales , Marketing , Designing and implementation.) B.Tech. 12 years experience in industrial electrics and then computer networking.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I always though we were not the only ones living on this universe. Now I definitely thing there some out there yo...........I have read about UFO's but trust me I never believed them now i do. I'm still confused though....

Other Comments

My Co- workers say its a government Spy plane. They say the spy plane look like this and they are black which I'm not aware of is it ?

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Posted it on my facebook page though.


Ashika Chanel Dassanayake

Your Location: 

New York City



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