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UFO Sighting Report


October, 10, 2011


saint charles, Illinois, United States


I can't believe what I saw. I'm literally shaking. I can't think straight. I'm freaking out.

Date Reported:

10/10/2011 2:45:26 AM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 

1 (myself)


about 4 minutes until I ran inside.

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Just color changes, and looking like a really bright star.

Size of Object(s)

I couldn't tell but it just looked like a big star.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

It was higher up, like probably near where the stars are. (in space)

Description of Area / Surroundings

Just my front porch. There's not a lot around where I live, But there is a farm in back of my house. That's pretty much it.

Full Description & Details

Well, I went outside to smoke a cigarette at 3:00a.m. and as I was smoking, I was looking up at the stars. I was admiring the stars. So anyway, as I was looking up, I saw this particular "star" that was glowing rather bright, and It was so pretty. I thought I may have been tired, but I saw that it was changing colors. Didn't really think much of it. So I kept staring at it. For probably a minute or two. It just stayed there. After 2 minutes rolled by, it started to move. That's when I was like what is going on. So I thought it was just because I was tired. I kept watching it, and it was moving rather slow, but going to the west.(so, towards my house, but over it kind of thing) So, I ran inside, looking out my windows, freaking out, and went downstairs to tell my parents, and they said oh you're just tired. This was no dream. I actually saw something out there, and I am still shaking from it..

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

It was just looking like a star. It scared me when it started to move.

Witness Background

I actually work with my parents they own a business. (sales representative type thing) I graduated high school in the summer.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Well, I mean I used to be really into it, but then I tried not to think about it because I watched too many scary movies with so called "aliens" in it. So my friend, he said that he has spotted some. But I was like hmm, I've never actually seen something like that. I believe it, but it didn't cross my mind before.

Reported Sighting? 



Suzanne S

Your Location: 

saint charles, IL USA


