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UFO Sighting Report


October, 8, 2011


Kankakee, Illinois, United States


Glowing.round object ,moving swiftly from overhead to the east,where it disappeared.

Date Reported:

10/12/2011 9:23:49 PM

Sighting Time: 

5:17AM CDT



No. of Witnesses: 



About 4 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Round.like a disk,bright and white like a major star but it did not "twinkle" like a star or planet

Size of Object(s)

Larger than an star and rather smallbu t big enough to discern a round shape.

Description of Area / Surroundings

In a small clearing,surrounded by trees,in the park.Close to the Kankakee River.The dawn was just starting,like twilight but in the morning.

Full Description & Details

The sky was clear and it was starting to get light but I could still see stars.Orion was in full view,so perfect that I could see the nebula that is his sword sheath.As I was working with the telescope I had been looking at Orion's stars,I glanced up and saw a bright disk,moving with the speed of an aircraft,There was NO blinking lights or contrail that aircraft have,or a tail like a comet or a meteor or a defunct sattellite.For it kept it's shape as it travelled across the sky.I watched this disk for about 15 seconds until it disappeared in a blink of an eye.It moved in a straight line befor it disappeared.I could not get a look at it with the telescope because it moved too fast and I was too slow and inexperienced with the telescope.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

It didn't match any stars.or planets.There was no tail like a comet or meteor.The sky was crystal-clear and the owl was hooting,the other birds were just starting to wake up.Nothing man-made matched this object that I know of and I'm familier with alot of man-made objects!

Witness Background

"Once ina blue moon" astronomer,tent camper,crafter and aviation enthusiast,fan of astronautsand part-time musician.Former factory worker,now working for the state.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Open-minded skeptic,'riding the fence',not believing in every story but seeing enough,reading enough circumstancial evidence to keep an open mind on the subject.I figure our universe is vast and we don't have all the answers for our questions.It's possible that there could be life on other planets in this vast universe, maybe they are advanced enough to travel through space.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

campmates and close pals



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