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UFO Sighting Report


October, 4, 2011


Bradenton, Florida, United States


For a period of around 2 weeks, green/red/white flickering lights were visible by all who looked at the night sky. The first sighting included 3 near the horizon at the beach. We continued to see them nearly every night until 10/21/11.

Date Reported:

10/19/2011 8:31:27 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



2 weeks

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Shapes appeared circular or triangular. Distance prevented discrimination if shape. However, the lighting was clearly unique as several lights dazzled or sparkled very quickly. The lights also changed colors frequently from white to red to green.

Size of Object(s)

Fingers would be maybe 1-2cm. They were far away.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

I have no idea.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Over the gulf of mexico and over our town. We live in a relatively small town south of Tampa.

Full Description & Details

The first night, my fiancé and I were at the beach, and we noticed 3 dazzling/sparkling muilti-colored objects in the sky toward the west. One was to our left (south), one directly in front, and another to our left (north). The objects hovered most of the time but also moved very quickly in zigzag formation only to hover again. After about an hour, the one to our right began to fade (or move farther away). Then, it moved toward the east and disappeared before our eyes. The middle one followed suit shortly thereafter. The one to our left/south continued to hover and move quickly at 45 degree angles and then hover again. This occurred until it also disappeared. Our next major sighting occurred about a week later. As we were leaving my fiance's parents' house, we noticed the objects to the east and much farther above the horizon. The movement and disappearances occurred similarly. On 10/12/11, we saw them again to our east as did the remainder of my family. My friend also took pictures with his camera that indicated slight movement while they were hovering that was difficult to see with the naked eye. I used my iPhone to take a picture of his pictures so they are low quality. However, you can make out the colors and odd movements. (if requested, I can get the original photos). The last sighting took place on 10/21, and they were out west again.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

No, whad ample opportunities to compare human aircraft (planes) to the objects we were seeing. No similarities.

Witness Background

Therapist, Master's degree

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I've never seen a UFO before. I've been more open to aliens/ufos over the past year. My mother, for example, does not believe in UFOs or aliens but saw the UFOs as well. My stepfather, sister, little brother, fiancé, his mother, his sister and her girlfriend, and our friend who lives nearby witnesses them (and, he took pictures).

Other Comments

Please contact me via email for pictures as your upload feature is not compatible with the iPad.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Family & friends

Your Location: 

Bradenton, FL, USA
