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UFO Sighting Report


October, 2011


Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom


I was at school in the technology room when I saw it out the window. I'm not sure if my friend next to me or anyone else saw it. Mr. Green looked out the window and said it was a hellicopter but I was not convinced

Date Reported:

10/27/2011 5:14:16 AM

Sighting Time: 

After 9:00 AM



No. of Witnesses: 

3 or more


a few seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

It was silver with a few blue and red lights and no windows. Ok it did look a bit like a hellicopter but the tail and the front part were more rounded and there was no propeller and I'd like to see a silver airoplane. It was almost as if it was a flying saucer and part of it had been cut off only it obviously wasn't a crash landing as it moved slowly and just went straight past.

Size of Object(s)

From where I was and how I saw it it looked just about two centimetres but in reality I suppose it was the size of a bungalow.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

It must have been four miles above ground and several miles further away.

Description of Area / Surroundings

We were just in a small town. There are parks, shops, schools, banks, houses and an airport just down the road but nothing like power plants or military bases.

Full Description & Details

Well I was in Mr. Green's classroom cutting out shapes with my friend James when I looked up out the window and there it was. I gave a loud exclaimation telling people I'd seen a ufo. James said it was a hellicopter but by then it was nearly out of sight. My teacher Mr. Green went over to the window and told me it was a hellicopter but he had to lean to the side and over a table so I doubt he had a good view of it.

Witness Background

It's my first year at high school and I am a firm believer in aliens but I'm afraid not many of my classmates are.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I think aliens have been coming here for centuries so they must have technology way beyond humans but there are plenty of discoveries just waiting at our feet so we could travel to other worlds in the future. The thing is if aliens were clever enough to come all the way here they'd probably be a threat as the cleverer something is the more likely it is to be a preadator but then maybe they'll be nice seeing as we are looking for alien life and have no intentions on destroying it. Whatever they've come here for we should approach them nicely as guns and locking things up is not the answer.

Other Comments

I admiit I'm not the best ufo spotter in the world. Once I thought I saw a ufo but it turned out to be the light bulb reflected in the window.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

I told my teacher


Frankie Rufolo

Your Location: 

Exeter, Devon, England



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