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UFO Sighting Report


March, 6, 2011


West Hurley, New York, United States


While driving east on Route 28 between Shokan and West Hurley, NY around 8 p.m. on a clear, cold Sunday night in March, I noticed an unusual triangular configuration of lights hovering above the woods to the north.

Date Reported:

12/9/2011 8:22:18 PM

Sighting Time: 

9 p.m.



No. of Witnesses: 



1 minute

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

The object was triangular in shape, outlined by 5 bright, orange-hued lights. The lights glowed steadily.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

The object was perhaps 50 yards away from us, hovering approximately 60 feet in the air.

Description of Area / Surroundings

It was in a largely rural area, along a relatively unpopulated stretch of a well-traveled 2-lane state route. There is a small mountain to the north of the road, and a large reservoir on the land just to the south. Because of the reservoir, there are no houses on the south side of the road.

Full Description & Details

While driving east on Route 28 between Shokan and West Hurley, NY around 9 p.m. on a clear, cold Sunday night in March, I noticed an unusual triangular configuration of orange-hued lights hovering love above the woods to the north. My 12-year-old son and his 15-year-old friend were in the car with me, and I jokingly said to them "look - it's a UFO." I slowed the car down to see if we could get a better look. My son asked, "what is it really?". I realized that I had no better explanation. We noticed that a couple of oncoming cars also slowed down to look at the lights, which continued to hover in the same spot, low above the woods at the foot of Ohayo Mountain. Just as we passed the spot where the lights were hovering, my son and his friend saw it move away toward the west. When my son and I returned along the same route about an hour later, there was no sign of the object.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

It was clearly not a natural object, as it was too close to us and too low above the trees to be stars, etc. I personally cannot explain it as any sort of conventional human-made object - certainly none that I've ever experienced. The object seemed completely out of place.

Witness Background

Healing arts practitioner. Ph.D. education.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I've long been open-minded about reports of UFOs & close encounters, though I'd never paid a great deal of attention to the matter. After the sighting I did an internet search, and was interested to see that triangular configurations of lights are one of the most common types of sighting.

Other Comments

The experience was empowering in an odd, ineffable sort of way. Later that week I had a vivid dream in which I suddenly found myself with a number of other people and some non-human beings zipping around the Earth at incredible speeds in a triangular-shaped craft. We were high above the Earth's atmosphere, then would suddenly be transported to different places around the planet for close-up views first of a rainforest, then a massive waterfall, then a horribly polluted river, then a desert with dramatic rock formations, then a war zone, etc. - places marked by both great natural beauty and unspeakable human destruction. The last thing I saw as we hovered high above the Earth was an island in the ocean rattled by a sudden explosion, followed by a massive plume of smoke rising up and spreading across the ocean. In the morning I heard the news of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in the wake of the tsunami.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

I've mentioned it to various friends and family members.
