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UFO Sighting Report


October, 11, 2011


omaha, Illinois, United States


a large craft at slow speed and low altitude that had 2 small red glows on leading edge. equally spaced and remainder of craft blended with the night sky. it was a rounded chevron or eclipse shape and no blinking lights . it made a very quiet deep sound and moved on a deliberate path and was not floating, yet nearly hovering when compared to conventional aircraft.

Date Reported:

12/24/2011 10:30:24 AM

Sighting Time: 

3:15 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



about 2 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

a sort of crescent shape. it blended with the night sky. only at an angle i was able to determine its shape and size under the full moon light. it was huge. nearly 300ft wide. at an altitude of 200 to 300 ft above the ground.

Size of Object(s)

huge. nearly 300ft wide. and at an altitude of 2-300ft above ground. looked as though if craft was turned vertical on its side then the edge would touch the ground.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

200-300ft above the ground. craft passed over me slightly ahead but nearly directly over me.

Description of Area / Surroundings

rural area. very few trees. mostly flat farm land. low traffic roads.

Full Description & Details

i had exited the small town and was about to attain highway speed in the tractor trailer when i noticed 2 small red lights approaching from the west at a curious height from the roadway. i slowed and tried to get a better view but now had lost sight as i was too close to the travel path of the "lights". i.e. the object was nearly above my vehicle as i came to a stop. i then took sight of the small red glow above me and i shut down the engine of my semi and stepped out the door onto the running board. at that moment i was able to determine the shape and amazing size of the craft as it continued past the roadway. i estimate its speed at 40 - 50mph. I thought it was going to Land. in these moments i sized up what i was witnessing and made mental note of any sound and the crafts size , shape,and altitude. as well as speed and time on my dashboard clock. i knew that whatever it was, it was Not interested in me and it left an impression in mind that it was very Old. i restarted the truck and drove away still dazzled by what i had seen and then hurried to a spot 5 miles away where State Troopers frequent in hopes that they were there. alas they were not. it was a good 7 miles from the sighting before i encountered other traffic.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

not like anything i have Ever seen or read about

Witness Background

52 year old truck driver. have operated commercial vehicles for 30years. i have tech training in motorcycle repair and studied industrial design. astronomy. physics and math. jets and rocketry have been a interest of mine since childhood.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

i have read about these ufo reports all my life. have seen a few things over the years and most i have determined to be explainable. this craft left me without words to describe or explanation as to what it is and/or how it was there.

Other Comments

i determined its shape from when the craft was at a 30 degree angle from me as it shown in the full moon light. after the craft was a distance of about a quarter mile distance away, i could only detect its movement as it blocked known and familiar stars as it progressed on a definite course.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 




Your Location: 

evansville, indiana,usa


