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UFO Sighting Report


June, 10, 2010


Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States


On a clear day I saw a dark rectangle in the sky over a busy intersection. It was completely still as I watched it for about 15 seconds when it vanished before my eyes. About 5 minutes later I saw a shiny silver disc moving west away from the area where I saw the first object.

Date Reported:

12/25/2011 2:52:22 PM

Sighting Time: 

Approximately 2:30



No. of Witnesses: 



15-20 seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

The first object was a dark grey rectangle and was perfectly still overhead. It was fairly large (I thought at first it was a parachute) when it vanished before my eyes. There was no noise or visible light emitted from the object.

Size of Object(s)

The object was maybe 1.5-2in. across but seemed to be fairly high in the sky- possibly a 1000 ft or so.

Description of Area / Surroundings

This area was a busy intersection with lots of traffic during that time of day. The I-40 overpass was directly above where I was stopped at a red light.

Full Description & Details

On a clear June day, approximately 2:30 in the afternoon I was driving to a grocery store when I stopped at a red light intersection. My attention became focused on a dark grey rectangular object directly at 12 o'clock position above me. It was fairly high in the sky I can say and was perfectly still. At first, I thought it was a parachute but the object was perfectly still. i watched it for about 15 seconds, during which time the object did not move at all. Suddenly, as I was watching it, the object just vanished. I drove about 200 yards to my destination and when I got out om my car I was still looking for the object. I did not see it again, however not far from the area I saw the object was a shiny silver disc moving away from the area heading west. It was a clear sunny day and the object was smaller than the first one and silver in appearance-very shiny. It was moving at a moderated speed and not making any noise or leaving any trails. I watched it for about 15-20 seconds and it finally moved out of sight.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I do not believe either object was man-made. I have never seen anything of the sort as being a known aircraft of any type.

Witness Background

I am a nursing student and have worked at hospitals and nursing homes in the past.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I have been curious about ufo sightings for quite some time. I have read about ufo's and have had some knowledge of their existance prior to the sighting. I have never read or heard about any ufo's resembling the first rectangle-shaped object. I have heard about silver disc-shaped ufo prior to the sighting.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

My mother, and friends


Mike Rola

Your Location: 

Winston Salem, NC, USA


