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UFO Sighting Report


August, 1975


Nanuet, New York, United States


Watched bright red light in Western sky hover, zip, slowly descend, dart, hover, etc. for 30-45 minutes before finally shooting straight up into the heavens.

Date Reported:

3/19/2005 7:36:19 AM

Sighting Time: 

6:30 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



30-45 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

my only sighting was

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

several miles

Shape of Object(s)

small bright light

Color of Object(s):

red (perhaps reflection of setting sun on its surface)

Full Description & Details

My father had been mowing the lawn one summer evening when I was around 10 years old. He called me outside and asked if I wanted to see a UFO. I thought he was playing games with me and expected him to pull out a frisbee he found on the lawn. When I replied yes, he pointed to what I thought was a rather bright Mars (a brighter than usual red "star") in the Western sky and told me to "look there." I told him I thought it was Mars (the sun was starting to set), but he told me to keep my eye on it. I did, and it started to move very slowly to the ground, moving a little back and forth on the way, then stop and hover, then dart an an angle to a higher elevation, then dart again to another point, then hover, then slowly descend again. I watched this for approximately 20 minutes but then got bored. I checked again a few minutes later and it was still there performing these stunts. When I returned a little while later it was gone. My dad watched it on and off for just under an hour and told me when it left it just shot up straight into the heavens. He and I still talk about it from time to time. Otherwise I've not had any other encounters directly, but here are a few others from that time:

- While driving to Church one Sunday morning with my father and brothers around the same year (1975 or so), I was occupied with something on the car floor while my brothers and father watched a low-flying UFO (saucer) pass quickly over the car at a low elevation - but I missed it.

- Around the same time, one of my father's closest friends and co-worker (Mr. Henry W - now deceased) on the other side of our town was heading out to work one summer morning around 6am and saw a low-flying saucer pass over his house and neighborhood.

- I can't remember if this one was from another friend of my father's or from a friend of a friend, but around the late 1970's or early 1980's in Rockland I was told the story of a man walking his dog one night who saw a very small disk (maybe 3 feet in diameter) hovering over a transformer on a utiliy pole and apparently sucking up electrical discharges from the power lines.

- While driving to college in upstate New York sometime between August 1985 and May 1986 with my best friend, we were leaving Rockland County and entering Orange County on the Palisades Interstate Parkway listening to the (now defunct) WRKL AM radio station when they broke in with an important news bulletin - that Rockland County Sheriff's Deputies had been watching a large disk hovering over the Indian Point nuclear reactors for appx an hour, and they had a live report from a reporter on the scene who described it and spoke to the deputies. We found it unusual when we called our parents the next day that there was nothing in the local newspaper regarding this event or on the NYC metro area TV news shows.

- While working at a company in Northern NJ sometime around 1992-1994, I spoke with a co-worker (Mike P) and his wife at a company dinner regarding 4th of July activities I had recently attended at Cornwall-on-Hudson. They then told me how they attend the events there each year and in a very recent year they were heading home after the fireworks one night and saw the then-infamous Hudson Valley UFO - they were stuck in traffic on a local highway with hundreds if not thousands of others when they saw it. They described it as moving silently, huge in size, filled with many lights - but most impressively, due to its proximity to them and the many other witnesses, they were able to see a great deal of intricate "latticework" that made up the structure.

- Don't know if this is related, but when I was a kid in Nanuet in the 1970's my mom, dad, me and my 3 siblings would be watching TV in the evenings in our family room and on many nights heard furniture moving and footsteps in the bedroom above us (this was the bedroom for me and my brothers). My dad would check but never find anything. Initially we were always very frightened but then learned to live with it, though I was often terrified to go to bed at night for many years because of this. I never really felt comfortable until I moved out completely many years later.

- When in my 30s I was in a local bar with some friends and my youngest brother. We somehow got on the subject of UFOs and I told my friends about my one and only UFO sighting (the red light in the Western sky described above) that I shared with my father. They then joked if I was ever kidnapped by aliens and given an anal probe. I answered no, but then described a very vivid dream I had had where I did encounter aliens: in my dream I was sharing my bedroom with my youngest brother on the top floor of our house, so I figure this must have been sometime around 1978-1981, and I awoke (in the dream) one night to hear my parents talking in their adjacent bedroom. From their discussion, they were looking out their window on the side of our house down at some individuals in a neighbor's yard, wondering what they wanted. My father sounded curious but concerned for saftey, while my mother was scared and near panic. I of course wanted to know what was going on, and my little brother was waking up and asking me the same thing. I therefore looked out the window over my bed, which was on the same side of the house, and I saw in our next-door neighbor's yard 3 or 4 little men (bald, slits for eyes and mouth) appx 3-4 feet tall in gray jumpsuits standing around what looked to be an old-fashioned stand-up tripod box camera. They seemed to notice that I was looking at them and swung this "camera" toward my window. When I looked at it, I saw a blue shaft of light coming from it and it paralyzed me completely. I also remember my vision suddenly "whiting" out, like a burn-out on a video or when an old-fashioned flash bulb would go off, or like a bright pulse from a strobe. I heard my brother asking me if I was alright and then heard my dad come in the room yelling at both of us to "stay away from the window!" He then yanked me down onto the bed and I fairly quickly regained my movement and sight. He then told us to stay away from the window, which we did, as he and my mother had just had a similar experience (one of them had frozen up). I then remember we had a discussion about calling the police but don't recall who, if anyone, did. By now my other siblings were awake and wondering what was going on, and my mother decided to let go downstairs to let our little toy poodle out into the backyard. She was giving an excuse that the dog had to go to the bathroom, though it was evident this was not the case, but the dog was curious to see what was outside, as she seemed to be aware something was amiss out there. My mother really seemed to be letting the dog out in the hopes that she might scare away these intruders. I then remember the dog cautiously going out the door and my mother quickly locking it behind her. My siblings and I had run down behind them, yelling at my mother to stop, but we were too late. I don't recall anything more beyond this, but while telling this story my brother looked disturbed. I thought he was thinking I was crazy, but then he and his girlfriend, who was also at the bar when I told this story, told me some weeks later that he had had the same dream with all the same details.

Witness Background

Corporate middle management in NJ - multiple college degrees, with Master's as highest

Other Comments

If for some reason you need to contact me, leave a message on your website under the Hudson Valley section.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

only to friends and family



Your Location: 

New Jersey



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