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UFO Sighting Report


aout 1976


barcares, France


Date Reported:

5/10/2005 3:29:18 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



1 minut

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

30 metres

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

100 metres

Shape of Object(s)


Color of Object(s):


Full Description & Details

je m'exprime en francais ,mon anglais etant trop limite;

nous etions 4:ma soeur,environ 8/9ans,mon petit cousin,environ 9/10ans,mon grand cousin,environ 16/17ans et moi meme environ 10/11 ans(en fonction de l'année excacte de l'observation).

Tous les 4 sur la plage de Barcares,pres de Perpignan,ville du sud de la france,nous venions de quitter nos grands parents apres le repas,dans leur maison du bord de mer.

Comme chaque soir de vacance nous allions faire un tour sur la plage avant de nous coucher.

Le premier,venant de ma gauche, j'ai apercu un long "cigare"orange,incandescant,arrivant vers nous longeant le bord de mer.Avant

d'avoir pu le montrer a quiquonque,il s'etait enfonce dans la mer,sans bruit ni vagues apparentes,en face de nous,eclairant la mer come un coucher de soleil sous la mer!

Alors je me retournai vers Philippe(mon cousin le plus age)et lui disait:"tu as vu!la!?devant ?!!?"et tout le monde regardait maintenant cette mer orange quand soudain,pratiquement qu'au meme endroit ou il s'etait enfonce,l'engin ressurgit,droit vers le ciel etoilé d'un ete du sud de la france,clair comme le jour.

Nous le vimmes foncer vers le village du bord de mer le plus proche(Port Barcares,a environ 2 kilometres de la)puis disparaitre,sa vitesse ne nous permettant pas d'estimer l'endroit de sa disparition.

Philippe pris ses jambes a son cou vers la maison de nos grands parents,et nous firent tous de meme!

Arrives la bas nous racontames ce que nous avions vu(nos parents respectifs etaient egalement la)

Bien sur personne ne nous cru réellement.

mais le lendemain,au journal televise regional,vers 19h15,alors que nous mangions tous devant la tele,un couple etait interwieve:

Cet homme et cette femme avait eu tres peur ,lorsque,roulant sur une route de la region des pyrénées orientales(pres de Perpignan donc)ils avaient apercu un engin ressemblanrt a celui que nous avions observes la veille,qui se posa sur un champ proche!lors de leur temoignage ils dirent que leur voiture s'arreta et ,n'arrivant pas a la redemarrer,ils la quitterent pour se refugier dans une eglise proche de la ou ils durent s'immobiliser.

Bien sur,que pese la parole d'enfants face au rationel?

J'ssayai quelques années plus tard de me procurer l'interwiew de ce couple;mais il faut savoir qu'en France,le droit a l'image est protege,et donc,a moins d'etre un professionel avec une mission bien particuliere et mandate,on ne peux absolument rien se procurer

Meme si mon temoignage ne fait pas avancer les choses il participe a la longue serie de ceux qui ont fait se poser des questions a beaucoup de gens.

Pour cela il est utile.

J'ai un ami qui,10 ans auparavant me disait que tant que nous n'avions pas vu de planetes ailleurs que dans le systeme solaire,elles n'existaientdonc pas,puisque la science ne savait pas les "montrer"!!

Et maintenant?


(Computer translation (by AltaVista Babel Fish)

I express myself in French, my English etant too limiting; us etions 4:ma sister, approximately 8/9ans, my small cousin, approximately 9/10ans, my large same cousin, approximately 16/17ans and me approximately 10/11 ans(en function of the year excacte of the observation). All the 4 on the beach of Barcares, close to Perpignan, city of the south of France, we came to leave our large parents after the meal, in their house of the edge of sea. As each evening of vacancy we were going to make a turn on the beach before laying down us. The first, coming from my left, I saw a go along "cigare"orange, incandescant, arriving towards us going along the edge of mer.Avant to have been able to show it has quiquonque, it etait myself inserts in the sea, without noise nor apparent waves, opposite us, eclairant the sea come one to lay down sun under the sea! Then I was turned over towards Philippe(mon cousin more age)et him disait:"tu have vu!la!?devant?!!?"et everyone now looked at this orange sea when suddenly, practically that with the same place or it etait itself inserts, the machine re-appears, right towards the etoilé sky of a ete of the south of France, clearly like the day. Us vimmes to sink it towards the village of the edge of sea more proche(Port Barcares, has approximately 2 kilometres la)puis disparaitre, its speed not enabling us to estimate the place of its disappearance. Philippe taken his legs has his neck towards the house of our large parents, and made us all of same! Arrive it low us racontames what we had vu(nos respective parents also etaient to it) Bien on anybody us really believed. but the following day, with the newspaper regional televise, towards 19h15, whereas we eat all in front of the tele, a couple etait interwieve: This man and this woman had been very afraid, when, travelling on a road of the area of the Pyrenees orientales(pres of Perpignan donc)ils had seen a machine ressemblanrt has that which us planes observe the day before, which was posed on a field proche!lors of their testimony they said that their car arreta and, not arriving has the redemarrer, they quitterent it for refugier in a church close to or they had to be immobilized. Well on, that pese word of children vis-a-vis to the rationel? I ssayai a few years to later get the interwiew to me of this couple;mais it should be known than in France, the right has the image is protege, and thus, with a mission particuliere has well less to be a professionel and elects, one cannot absolutely nothing get Meme if my testimony does not make advance the things it takes part has the long series of those which made raise questions has many people. For that it is useful. I have a friend who, 10 years before said to me that as long as we had not seen planets elsewhere than in the solar system, they existaientdonc not, since science could not "show them"!! And now?

Witness Background

proprietaire d'un cafe

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

beaucoup d'amis


Lescure Xavier

Your Location: 

Toulouse France


38 ans
