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UFO Sighting Report


September, 6, 1982


Auberry, California, United States


Multicolored disk-shaped light crossing from E to W; following power lines.

Date Reported:

10/17/2005 9:59:04 PM

Sighting Time: 

10:00 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



2-3 min.

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Disk shape, with the usual plate inverted on a plate would be the best description. Multi-colored as described above. No individual lights seen.

Size of Object(s)

Maybe a 1/4 inch. Estimated actual size-maybe 75-80 feet in diameter. 10 ft. thick at the center (only an estimate)

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Distance, about 75-100 yards away. Estimated altitude, 1000 feet AGL

Description of Area / Surroundings

Rural area, with a number of houses. (Much more houses in the area now as opposed to 1982.) Power lines are close by. Nearest military bases: Fresno ANG Base (F-106 equipped at the time), NAS Lemoore, Castle AFB (now closed as a military field). Auberry is in the traffic pattern for the Fresno Airport.

Full Description & Details

I was a twelve-year old at the time, and I was outside the mobile home where my Mom and I lived, and at 10:00 PM, I went outside to turn off lawn sprinklers. Our two dogs were barking towards the east, and I thought there was a car on the road. There wasn't, so I looked up and there was a disk-shaped light, cruising from E to W. It was changing color from red to blue, to yellow, to orange, and back to red again. It did this several times during the time it was in view. There are power lines nearby, and it was following a set running from the main line to a nearby house. Both dogs were barking (still). I called to my mom and asked her to come out and see, but she was preoccupied with trying to get TV reception. After the object went over the western horizon, the dogs stopped barking and my mom said "The TV's fixed, what is it?" I told her "Nothing now. It'll wait."

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

No. I am familiar with aircraft, and this was not a plane. It did not appear to be a natural object, nor any other man-made object.

Witness Background

I have a BA and MA in history, and am training to be a loan officer for a major mortgage company.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Before, some interest (books, magazines, TV shows). After, more interested.

Other Comments

I am a military aircraft entuasist, and a military historian. This did not appear to be any military or commercial aircraft that I am familiar in 25 years of interest in the above subjects.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 


Your Location: 

Auberry, CA USA



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