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UFO Sighting Report




Taipei, Taiwan


rectangular light traversing the sky in a pattern like space invaders. Going across, stopping, dropping a few inches from my vantage point, cross the other way, then disappear. Motion was very linear and direct. No wobble like a helicopter would.

Date Reported:

10/29/2005 11:04:25 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



6 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

bright white rectangular light

Size of Object(s)

from my viewpoint, it was only 2 or 3" long but relative to the other objects for comparison, it should be the size of at least a 737 or so, probably bigger, I have no idea on the measurements

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

25,000 feet at minimum

Description of Area / Surroundings

outlying area of urban Taipei in 1976 which meant a lot of open areas with a few residential buildings but none higher than 6 feet, airport about 1 hour away and active US military base still present at that time

Full Description & Details

Looked like a bright rectangular light in the sky. It was nighttime in a lesser developed area of Taipei in 1976. There was one 6 story building to the right but clear sky otherwise. The light appeared. Hovering steadily. Then moved across the sky straight across the sky. Stopped again. Hovered. Dropped down a few inches from my viewpoint, which would be a few feet or so in the sky, I guess. Hovered, then moved across the sky in the other direction. Hovered. Then just disappeared. Never forgot that sighting. Was not a projection light as there was no trail behind it as the Hollywood type spotlights would have.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

No, the motion would preclude anything I can think of

Witness Background

Graduate degree, Doctorate in Jurisprudence and work in the legal field as an attorney, previously a police officer

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I think they are not from Earth or earthly intelligence

Reported Sighting? 


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Your Location: 

Los Angeles, CA USA



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