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UFO Sighting Report


October, 2000


massillon , Ohio, United States


Star Gazing turned to U F O sighting

Date Reported:

11/14/2005 10:24:55 PM

Sighting Time: 

3:00 am



No. of Witnesses: 



no more than 1 minute

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

It was roundish and maybe saucerlike but appeared more round then flat ! Very bright lights that consumed its entire body of it ! Sorry no colors just light!

Size of Object(s)

about 12 inches reletive and about 50 feet across actuall at least

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

It was about 100 feet away and just over the trees !

Description of Area / Surroundings

The surroundings were minimal like the freeway an airport about 20 miles aways and a corn feild and a salt dome. and My house !

Full Description & Details

Well me and my friend decided to watch the falling stars at late night or early morning. There were supposed to be a light show of stars falling that night so we got some chairs and sat outside and decided to watch. So we did and about 1 half hour later we separated He went to the front of the house and I went to back of the house os we could see which side would we see more from and within 5 minutes he is screaming look at this star falling right at us. I of course yelled back it's a plane because of the airport in the nearby city. I said if it were a star it would be gone by now ! Is it still coming ? He said yes and getting closer so i thought he was crazy or seeing a plane or something of that sort so I run around the corner of the house and to my surprise it was one big light getting closer like a quarter of a mile away then slowly got to within a block away, above the cornfield that was across the street from my house . I then sat there for about 20 seconds and then it split into two floating crafts with a slight humming noise or vibration. The lights then got extremely bright as if it seen us and wanted to make it harder to see! Or vica versa! So I screamed for my girlfreind to get me the camra in the house and suddenly like a flash they together just took off with a slighty louder vibration that I felt. Kind of like bass from a car sterio. I was excited to have had the opportunity to ever see one. SO we checked our watches to see if anything was different. You never know !!! We never could make out the actuall details of it because it was so bright but I swear to you nothing that I know of can move like that or fly so silently it was defeniately a U F O as far as I know from here or somewhere else but definiately extreemly advanced!!!

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

Absolutely 100 percent it was not a natural object or conventional man made object! It is undeniably a real U F O from where or who made it not sure but defeniately was real!

Witness Background

I am a gemini outgoing fun by nature and my grandmother raised me old fasion, I went to college trained in computers somewhat and contruction running my own business! Painting !

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I never read anything on U F Os prior but I always said to myself if thousands of people or seeing these things at least one or more has to be right!! So I figured there is some truth. Now I know there is!!

Other Comments

The Bible in Ezekiel talks of flying circles and beings getting out of them and the crafts moving fast as lightning and so on and that was written over 2000 years ago. It just makes sence that hundreds of thousands of people are not that stupid to all get wrong impressions of an object in the sky it would be an insult to our intellegence ! At lease one of us is telling the truth ! And if one of is then it all is !

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

canton ohio



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