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UFO Sighting Report




Falconer, New York, United States


Date Reported:

12/1/2005 8:33:18 AM

Comments about the image(s): "Here's the sketch of the UFO I observed."

Sighting Time: 

12:45 am



No. of Witnesses: 



15 seconds

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

The size of this object was huge. It's length approx 250 ft. It's shape was oval, like a football but not pointed on the ends. There were two rows of maybe 10 lights on the bottom that did not iluminate anything. The ground around was dark but the lights were probably 8-10 ft in diameter and bright, but not shining to the ground.

Size of Object(s)

250ft long x 100ft wide

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

1000 ft altitude

Description of Area / Surroundings

Very rural, TRW bearing plant was nearly overflown.

Full Description & Details

After working the 4pm - midnight shift and meeting with my replacement, I left work approx. 12:30 am. As I drove into the rural night, I came to a railroad tracks that is not serviced by crossing barriers so I moved cautiously onto the tracks. As I looked down the tracks right and left into the darkness, I saw in my peripheral vision out the back window of my pickup, a an object moving over my head. I immediatly looked up out the front window and saw a HUGE object moving slowly and silently to the north. I rolled down my window when I saw the object and it was totally silent, I shut the motor off and still could not hear a thing as the object very slowly moved toward the north. As it moved toward the north it's speed became greater and it moved silently out of sight at a greater speed. The height of the object was about 1000 ft., and was easy to observe. There were no other vehicles in the area, and no dwellings for a half mile or so. The area where I sat on the tracks is total darkness and uninhabited.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

This was not conventional

Witness Background

I am a veteran of the US Marine Corps, have 2 yrs college in Criminal Justice and Business. I am a supervisor for a ceramics foundry and we make the refractory used in glass furnaces, and there is a TRW bearings plant nearby.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I knew nothing before this sighting. I read nothing before or after.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

my wife that night, I woke her up I was so nervous and frightened.

Your Location: 

Clymer, NY USA



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