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UFO Sighting Report


September, 2001


Arizona, United States


Saw a huge black triangle with glowing red port holes in the Arizona desert. It was moving slowly along a river where i was camping.

Date Reported:

12/19/2005 9:08:05 PM

Sighting Time: 

1:00 AM



No. of Witnesses: 



3 minutes?

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Really simple to describe. A HUGE jet black triangle. It was blacker than night with 6 large glowing red port holes along the side that I could see. The red portholes glowed but did not emit light. They did not brighten up the area or any of the surroundings. The craft was just sort of "gliding" along. Like anti-gravity.

Size of Object(s)

By the time I saw the craft my fingers would not ahave been able to hold it. I am a contractor by trade and know distances. I also pilot small aircraft. This craft was 300' long, 150' accross the back and 80' tall.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

The objest passed about 300' away and traveled at about 50' above the ground.

Description of Area / Surroundings

It was in the desert just north west of Phoenix. My tent was pitched between two scrub brushes. There were trees along the river nearly 15'-25' tall. The campground was along a river. A power plant was about 1/4 mile away.

Full Description & Details

This sighting was about 4 yrs ago but I remember most of what hapened. I was with a friend vacationing in Arizona. We were heading up into the mountains to do some gold panning after just seeing the Twin Towers fall. We passed through Phoenix and headed out of town looking for a place to camp when we came accross a small state campground. I don't remember the name of it but it is next to a river where a power plant sits. There were wild horses along the road, sage brush and little else. We made camp with separate tents during the evening hours and then walked along the river looking for a spot to fish. I noticed a huge structure about a quarter mile away. I figgured it was a power plant. It lit up like a city with lights at night.

As night fell and the insects came out we got into our tents to settle down for the night. I have a Kelty tent that is mostly mesh screen because I like to watch for meteor showers and passing satalites. As the night drew on I couldn't sleep so I lay there listening to the sounds of the night. The river running, coyotes, insects.... that kind of thing. Sometime around 1 AM it got silent. Not just quiet. Silent. I looked around for predators and then got a look at something I've never seen since. It was a HUGE black triangle craft. It was blacker than the night. I only saw it fron the right side facing, bottom and back side as it passed along the river about 300' away. As it came "floating" along.... I just stared at it. My mind was just sort of blank other than taking in all of the details. It was about 300' long, 150' accross the back end and about 80' high. It traveled just about 50' above the ground. There were 6 "port holes" along the side. The port holes glowed a red color. There were no flashing lights or marker lights. The port holes were about 20' in diameter. I remember trying to call to my friend but he wouldn't hear me. I didn't hear myself. It was silent. I wonder now if it wasn't emitting some sort of white noise to mask it's sound but didn't think of that then. I just marveled at how something so massive could glide along so slowly (about 35 mph forward speed) and be so quiet. As it passed in front of the power plant it blocked the entire building from view. I can think of some other details but am unsure of them so will only relate what I am certain of.

In the morning I told my friend of it but he had never heard of such a thing. "Probably some military experiment.", he said. I left it at that until I saw a show on tv where Art Bell described the same thing I saw.

I haven't been out there to see if another would come by. So this one siting is all I have to share. It isn't much but I can tell you that these things are real. What they are.... I don't know.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

I've seen pictures of just about everything that flies, floats or rolls.... our family is US Airforce. If it is ours..... and hey! ... it could be.... something from Tesla's cook book.....? That information is beyond my need to know.

Witness Background

We owned a contractor business at the time. We build buildings and do custom home remodeling. We work only with whats real and details of measurements and asthetics is our business. Now I work on yachts.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Before I saw this thing it had always been an interest. It just makes sence that there are other life forms and why wouldn't they travel? We do. Now... I've seen something. UFO? To me it is until someone gives me proof of an explaination. As for reading about them? Too busy working......

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

My friend the morning after.


William E. Hearn

Your Location: 

Cape Coral, FL USA



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