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UFO Sighting Report


November, 1967


Scottdale, Pennsylvania, United States


Glowing, cigar shaped object moving slowly.

Date Reported:

2/1/2006 1:07:34 PM

Sighting Time: 

8 PM



No. of Witnesses: 



The sighting lasted 2-3 minutes.

Size of Object(s)

50-100 feet in length; 20-30 feet high

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

The object moved at a constant altitude of 2000-3000 feet about 1 mile away from me.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Rural, agricultural area. No military bases or power plants in vicinity. (About 10 miles from Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.)

Full Description & Details

This sighting occurred early in an October evening in 1967. At the time, I lived in a rural area in southwestern Pennsylvania. On the evening in question, I was going out of the front door of my residence which opened almost due north. Having passed through the doorway, I noticed a glowing object coming toward me out of the north at a distance of about 1 mile. The object moved slowly towards me. At a certain point, it apparently made a 90◦ turn and began moving parallel or horizontally with respect to my position in an easterly direction. The object moved slowly and may have stopped moving. I had sufficient time to go back in the house and retrieve a set of binoculars (I do not recall their optical power). I viewed the object through these binoculars again at a distance of about 1 mile. In magnification, the object appeared to be an elongated, cigar shape. The object’s glow at a distance became a surface of tiny “pin pricks” of light in a yellow-green hue in magnification. These “pin pricks” of light were fewer at the edges or margins of the object and more concentrated or numerous towards the waist or center line of the object and appeared to “twinkle” all over the object. After watching in the binoculars for 15-30 seconds, the reversed its course and moved slowly away on the course on which it had appeared—it moved westerly parallel to my position before turning 90◦ and moving out of sight to the north.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

This object cannot be explained by any conventional man-made or natural object.

Witness Background

Practicing attorney.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I have been fascinated by the UFO phenomenon since my childhood. This was my first of 2 sightings. To me, the strangest part of the phenomenon is the lack of any physical evidence despite the apparent world-wide prevalence of sightings. Until there exists hard, physical evidence I believe this may be a psychological phenomenon.

Reported Sighting? 



James S. Lederach

Your Location: 

Scottdale, Pennsylvania



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