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UFO Sighting Report


January, 1960


Montevideo, Uruguay


Saw several lights in changing lose formation stop behind a cloud, then take off in a different direction.

Date Reported:

2/6/2006 7:47:01 AM

Sighting Time: 

8:00 PM (approx.)



No. of Witnesses: 



One minute.

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

Dots of light similar in size and brilliace as the surrounding stars,

Size of Object(s)

Unable to estimate.

Description of Area / Surroundings

In the city, accross the street from an urban park.

Full Description & Details

While traveling south on Boulevard Artigas,with a group of several other children between ten adn twelve, and the parents parents of the Fernandez children, were about to cross Boulevard España to go to Parque Rodo, when I noticed a group of star sized objects traveling North to South at a very fast rate of speed and keeping a lose formation while moving in a peculiar way, as if they were not able to keep a steady speed whithin the formation and it would vary constantly.

There were a few wispy, very small clouds in the sky, and the trajectory of the objects took them right through one of them. We expected them to come out on the other side, that is the Southern side of the cloud in a few seconds, judging from the rate of speed they had shown upon entering the cloud. But they would not come out. Some time passed and we found ourselves waiting for them to come out, but instead of exiting the cloud through the South, they left the cloud after some indeterminate amount of time unrelated to their previous speed, towards the East, at a perfect ninety degree angle with the previous trajectory. Also, the formation this time was a perfect v formation and they left at a great rate of speed, and were out of our sight in a matter of a few seconds. The whole incident took about a minute and appeared to be a very high altitude.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

If it wasn't for the speed of deparure, one would assume there was a group of birds traveling at a very high altitude.

Witness Background

I am a 57 year old retired Administrative Assistant, having worked in the Health Care industry. At the time of the sighting I was a 12 year old High School student with good grades and very responsible. I was born and raised in Uruguay, wich I left at the age of 22 when I moved to the USA.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Did not velieve in them before, actually made fun of "nuts" who believed in them, and was not pretty sure about what they were after this incident, although it planted the seed of doubt in my mind.

Other Comments

In the sixties, my friends and I were always looking at the sky, looking for for satellites, just to identify them and be the first one to notice them. Also, this incident was the first one of several.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Just commented with friends and relatives.


Oscar Teliz

Your Location: 

Suisun City, CA USA


