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UFO Sighting Report


June, 1985


near milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States


I was sitting at my kitchen table at approximately nine in the evening when lights outside the window caught my attention. Because it was summer, the curtains were pulled open and the window was open; it looked as though a small plane was directly approaching my house. I need to mention that I lived at the time in a rural area and the closest neighbor was approximately one mile away.

Date Reported:

2/14/2006 8:45:33 PM

Sighting Time: 

8.45 pm



No. of Witnesses: 



I don't know, I don't even remember going to bed

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

I've already noted everything above; I would like to note, though, that this object moved very slowly, perhaps ten miles an hour if even that.

Size of Object(s)

As noted, about the same size as a Piper Cuc airplane, but a completely different shape

Description of Area / Surroundings

Rural, a major highway approximately five miles to the east - other than that, a very back road kind of area. Many people used to turn onto our road thinking it would lead toa gas station, small store, etc. but then have to get back on the highway and go another seven or eight miles into town.

Full Description & Details

As I watched the light grow closer, it became obvious that it was more than one light; rather, it seemed to be a cluster of lights either moving from side to side or going around and around one another. Until they were literally right in front of my window, that is, approximately 100 yards away (and probably about one hudred feet above my trees), they seemed to be different shades of white, pale, cream, but then suddenly they began turning red and orange. I remember getting up and going to the back door and watching as the craft (which I still thought might be some sort ofairplane) come closer, and then I was outside looking right up into the underside of the object. I don't remember walking out of the house, and even in the rural area, I'm not the kind who would have walked out without at least my bathrobe on, but there I was, in my kneesocks and a Snoopy nightshirt, staring up at this thing. When I registered what I was looking at I realized that it was about the size of a Piper Cub airplane, but it was shaped entirely differently - it was shaped like a triangle, and the lights I had thought were going from side to side were in fact running around all three boarders. The object was approximately fifty feet above my head at this point and it simply hung there, making NO NOISE WHATSOEVER. i have heard people say that they were filled with awe upon seeing these sorts of things - I was flat out terrified, and I remember trying to open my mouth to yell or something, but I couldn't move. It wouldn't have done me any good anyhow as my husband was on the road for work and as said, my closest neighbor was a mile away. I watched this thing just hang above me for however long - I have no idea - and then I remember thinking "Please don't take me, I'm needed here." (My brother was dying at this time.) Then there was a loud clunking sound; it sounded as though a million little iron pipes or something were dropped at the same time, and an immense heat just washed across me: then I was back inside my house and watching as the object glided back in the direction it came, and I remember thinking, "I'll bet I have a sunburn from this."

I slept until four o'clock the next afternoon, and when I woke up, I checked newscasts, etc.; I remembered everything vividly, and never thought - and still do not think - it was a dream. What is interesting is that to this day I have an odd burned sort of patch on my right buttuck which I simply can't explain, and I have continued to have dreams that I believe are contact of some sort and which I am not comfortable with going into detail about here. My husband believed what happened to me as did the few friends and family members I told, and I believe what I have been told in some of the follow up dreams. Do I think I was taken anywhere? No. Do I think I had a close encounter? Yes. I am in the public eye and have gone out of my way not to publicize this matter in any way, but your website is treated so jokingly and so disrespectfully that I decided to finally say something so that you know your site is important to some people. I personally think I was 'passed over' because it went through my head during the encounter that I needed to stay because of my brother's illness; I completely believe in this subject and feel that the government knows more than it releases to the public, too. Another interesting side note is that nine years later I came down with cancer, which seems to be a recurring theme for persons who have witnessed this sort of thing; the high amounts of radiation, etc.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

No - this was not a government object. I have since seen similar reports by people on programs and I get very upset, uneasy, etc. - I have actually started crying and walked out of the room. I feel as though something happened to me that I don't completely remember, but I continue to believe that I was NOT actually abducted; I don't know why I think this, but I do.

Witness Background

I am in the public eye to a degree, and work in media

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I had an interest in the subject before but was neither a believer nor non-believer. I think I should note one other odd thing that came with the experience - I began having psychic dreams, etc. and am now known as the one in the family to ask whether or not a marriage will be successful, a trip should be undertaken, etc. (I dreamt I called all my friends the week before 9/11 and asked them not to go to NYC, for instance). Something happened, and I will take this belief to my grave.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

Husband, friends

Your Location: 

Bay Area



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