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UFO Sighting Report


June, 1976


Brisbane, Queensland, Australia


Circular disc shaped object observed under recreational fishing boat.

Date Reported:

3/16/2006 6:30:32 PM



Full Description & Details

During a fishing trip with one companion an inexplicable incident occurred that still puzzles me some thirty years later. The location was the eastern side of Moreton Bay, Queensland .This is a largely shallow stretch of water, but occurred in the relatively small portion where depth increases to about 30 metres. We had been fishing on the drift on an almost calm day when the fish went off the bite and the decision was made to motor back up current ( tidal ). Upon reeling in the lines I became aware that the watetr beneath the boat had "turned white". It quickly bacame apparent that under the boat was a seemingly white circular object about 10 meters in diameter stationary at a depth of about 5 metres or perhaps a little more. The waters in this area are quite clear and the bottom is visible at about 7 metres depth not far away. As I said though this was in water about 30 metres deep.

For a period of at least 10 minutes this "thing" remained in position, not squarely under the 6 metre boat but offset slightly. My initial reaction, not being that experienced on the water at that time, was that it must be a dense aggregation of marine life of some kind, though it looked like a helicopter landing pad, minus markings of any kind submerged beneath us. Peering into the water, no detail of any kind was evident, just uniform whiteness. My fishing mate was becoming quite agitated by this interloper, repeated asking "What the hell is it? "I could offer no explanation. Curiousity now got the better of him, and he stripped off to dive in to investigate. What occurred next convinced me we had been in strange company indeed! No sooner had he hit the water our visitor tilted rapidly to a shallowish angle and disappeared rapidly away from us. I had the immediate impression of a solid object, all-of-a piece under intelligent control. Upon surfacing my friend reported seeing nothing at all, not surprising really considering no mask and the sudden movement of this object. No more was seen of it, and we returned to port, and a barbeque meal.

Not surprisingly , the subject turned to unexplained phenomona, and my "diver" friend and another chap present, a merchant seaman, spoke of an eerie incident that occurred some five years prior in an offshore overnight fishing in oceanic waters. The night was calm and windless and around midnight a strange sound was heard that they described as similar to the sound you get whenyou move your hand over a vacuum cleaner nozzle-that is , a sucking noise.This continued for fully fifteen minutes, by which time our merchant mariner was becoming panicky. Immediately the sound stopped, overhead travelling at incredible speed three lights in a triangular configuration heading south disappearing to the horizon in seconds. Amazingly , this corroborated a story told to me some years earlier by a close relative. He was parked with his girlfriend on a headland some ten miles from where the seaborne observation occurred on what may well have been that night.. Stretching his legs outside the car, he was shocked by three lights as described above flying at great speed to the south......His instinctive reaction was to duck, as to him they seemed very low, and dazzlingly fast.

I hope the above adds something your information bank on your subject of interest.

Jeff Moore

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