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UFO Sighting Report


October, 2009


roswell, New Mexico, United States


it was at night about 7-830pm mountain time, it was on a highway with no visible lights because i had to use my brights on my car

Date Reported:

1/23/2012 10:31:47 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



1 min

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

it was just a single bright, almost blinding light, i couldnt look directly at it for very long because it hurt my eyes. i just saw the light, i didn't see any outer shape to it.

Size of Object(s)

i was in my car and i would say it outstretched my arms from where i was from my car it was probably about 4ft. actual size..i want to about the size of a large truck or maybe a large car.

Description of Area / Surroundings

it was rural, and surrounding had to trees or much of anything. bare with only a few shrubs every now and then, nothing to obstruct my view. there were only a few houses, i would say only 2 houses visible at the time. there was a few little lights on from there. there were also a few telephone poles on one side of the highway, the east side

Full Description & Details

i was on my way toward roswell between the time of 7-830pm mountain time and i was on the highway. i was driving about 80mph and had my brights on, on my car because there were no streetlights or any bright big lights for that matter. i appeared to be the only one driving about that time because i saw no other cars at the time.

i was driving south and looked up in the southwest direction because it had looked like a flash of light falling from the sky but not as fast as a meteor or asteroid. i started to drive faster because i was hoping to get as close as i could. it disappeared and i thought maybe my eyes were fooling me, but about 30 minutes later it showed up again but it was alot closer, and still there were no cars, it appeared as a dot of bright almost blinding light, it was a single light source, nothing else. it would jump in the sky like a spider would jump around, but the light would fade in and out, since there was no traffic or anyone on the road i started to slow down and roll both my windows down to see if i could hear anything, i hear silence..i started to get really scared because i didnt know what it was...it kept bouncing to effortlessly in the sky. it was in the range of how high a helicopter would fly, maybe a bit lower. after about a minute and a half it disappeared and i waited about ten minutes for anything else to happen, no luck.

i am convinced that this was a ufo because i know the characteristics of a plane and this was not a plane, it was noiseless

note: one note i forgot to write, everytime i would look at it in the previous spot it was already in another part of the sky, it traveled very fast in a short amount of time

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

no, i think there has to be something else that could explain what i saw

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

abq, nm- just a couple friends

Your Location: 

rio rancho, nm
