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UFO Sighting Report




Towson, Maryland, United States


round circle in front lawn of my home

Date Reported:

3/5/2012 8:09:35 AM

Sighting Time: 




Appearance / Description of Object(s)

different colored lights flashing coming up our driveway and then parking behind my studio.

Description of Area / Surroundings

first was urban,second was rural

Full Description & Details

I put my garbage on the roadside for pickup in the evening.When i went to retrieve the container the next day iI noticed spiral motion embedded into the lawn. About 3'by3'. No the size of the garbage container an not where it stood. I took a picture of it and then called the weather bureau to find out if there had been any tornados that had touched down in our area.None !!!This was in the early spring. We had the lawn mowed twice a week in that area and the circles lasted until the next spring. They were embedded!!!! I then took another picture. Of course I have been searching for the two pictures and because of family looking through scrapebooks I cannot find them as of yet.

On another occasion after we had moved to Monkton Maryland I dreamed that something with flashing lights came down our driveway which was really in the country. I thought perhaps it was a neighborhood boy having a party but then I saw something coming through the screens to the bedroom and felt needles going into my arms.The next day when I awakened I had scabs up and down both arms. Just tiny needle scabs. It was near Christmas and my oldest daughter came in a couple of days later and saw my arms.So strange.

Nothing since these two times for me .

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?


Witness Background

food broker, model, public speaker,artist

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

Never really thought about it in depth.

Other Comments

I know I am sane and that my whole family saw the circles and also the needle pricks up and down my arms.

Reported Sighting? 


Your Location: 

Sarasota Fl


