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UFO Sighting Report


May, 4, 2004


Phuket, Thailand, Thailand


We looked up directly over our heads on a very clear night, with a full moon, and saw at least 12 and perhaps as many as 16 lights/objects in the sky forming patterns very clearly coming together in these patterns and moving apart, sometimes in pairs or in singles, and then disappearing straight up directly into the sky getting smaller as they went out of view, again, in pairs or in singles, until they had all vanished. We have a photo and a series of maps we made immediately following. This is our first sighting.

Date Reported:

5/28/2004 11:15:28 PM

Sighting Time: 

12:30 am (midnight)



No. of Witnesses: 

3 +


20 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 

rural / island

Size of Object(s)

lights size of baseball - amber, changing to white and smaller as they moved away

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

15,000 to 30,000 feet above us

Shape of Object(s)

round - very clearly visible

Color of Object(s):

amber changing to white on departure

Full Description & Details

I have full maps which I made following the sighting, which I am happy to share with someone interested.

First, we saw 2 round amber coloured lights directly above our heads moving as a pair across the sky - about 30,000 feet above us is our estimate. These were immediately followed by two more in a pair formation, travelling the same exact path, directly above us. THe second two joined the first two and formed a line of four. Then three of them moved in sync to form a triangle, and the fourth took a lower positoin to form what appeared to our eyes to be a cross formation - like the points of a cross on a necklace. Then these four shot straight up into the sky...changing colour to white as they became less visible and finally out of sight.

These were followed by many more sets, totalling about 12 or maybe as many as 16, of this we are not exactly sure. The patterns were all unique to each set of lights...all travelled in the same line of approach however, and exited from our sight in the same manner, what was unique was the formations they formed when they came together overhead - some as a line of 3, others twisting and twirling around each other, which made us certain that they were not planes. Also, the speed with which they travelled when departing - literally shooting straight up while their light still shone straight down, indicated they were not planes.

We have a photo of at least two of them on a digital camera, and can describe in detail the patterns they made in the night sky, directly over our heads.

Incidently, it may be interesting to know that the lights over Mexico filmed recently by the Mexican Air Force are very similar to what we saw, in similar patterns. We were staying at a five star resort hotel in Thailand, and can verify that other guests saw the same thing we did. We are both Canadians and have never witnessed any UFO activitiy previously.

Witness Background

Senior executive with publicly listed company - 3top of my field, 30 years wroking experience, 51 years old, completely normal and well known in my industry, no previous interest in UFO's or previous experience or sightings.

Other Comments

I would be pleased to speak to the Air Pilots from Mexico who saw similar lights to what we saw, to compare notes.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

THe Chedi Hotel - Phuket

Your Location: 

Hong Kong



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