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UFO Sighting Report


October, 7, 1988


hancock, New Hampshire, United States


Three bright lights with a brilliant orange rotating llight underneath, rotatiing like a strobe light. Suddenly, it flared up and I realized the 3 lights were actually 3 windows. It gradually tilted and turned pink, coming down slowly. I and watched it go down behind a row of trees. Later, I recalled a vivid dream which included all the "objects" of an abduction, though I had not read anything about them at that time. I also suffered #2 ectopic pregnancies: #1, the surgeon could not find the fetus. (Nov. 1973) Charleston, Ill. Shortly afterwards, the body dispelled a tiny square object exactly as described by Kathy in INTRUDERS. I'm truly chilled to be realizing all of this.

Date Reported:

11/23/2004 8:24:14 AM

Sighting Time: 

3:00 am



No. of Witnesses: 



about 5 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

approximately 50 feet circumference

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

quarter of a mile

Shape of Object(s)

disc shape

Color of Object(s):

bright orange to pink

Witness Background

Recognized composer of classical music with a doctorate from the Univ. of Michigan.

Other Comments

There seemed to be an active amount of data surrounded us during that particular period, but my husband and I were so unaware. All I can say is that I noticed small specks of blood around my neck

on the pillow and a soreness with a small scab that wouldn't go away for the longest period. I also heard

an alarming sound which resembled a huge herd of horses being driven over a cliff...don't know why I

have that image in my mind. Naturally, to this day, I'm not sleeping well at all. The vivid dream to which I

alluded was that of being placed back on our bed, but upsidedown. I struggled and felt so uncomfortable,

and suddenly I was lifted and placed back in a normal position beside my husband. As I was being re-

positioned, my eyes were turned toward the window, and I saw a bright ball of white light, the size of a

basketball floating by the open window and out of sight. I tried to reach over and touch my husband, but

a powerful voice (very authoritarian-masculine) told me to rest and all would be fine in the morning.

This "dream" occured in August, 1988, and I only realized it was not a dream sometime after the Oct.

sighting. In Nov., 1988, I experienced a marvelous deep rose bath of light streaming down through our

ceiling. My entire family experienced it also. They jumped up from the dining room table and we all hugged each other and laughed like children. it was truly amazing and everyone felt it, if they didn't exactly see it as I did. I called their attention to it, and they moved as if in one body to collect around me.

We had been discussing and remembering with great love my brother's youngest son who had died

recently (April 2, 1988) from a freak glider accident. This Pink Light Experience happened in Nov. 7,

1988. I'm only mentioning it because all these experiences seemed to be linked in some way. At least

my intuition thinks so. The fact that the light streamed down through our ceiling might mean something...

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

MUFON, scottsdale, AZ

Your Location: 

Hancock, NH

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