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UFO Sighting Report


December, 2003


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


At first I thought it was a gigantic hang-glider. I quickly realized that it was a solid object with lights in a V formation. There was no sound. The lights were a strange dull whitish-yellow. It moved at a slow but constant speed. I could no longer see it when it passed over some trees. It was headed southward.

Date Reported:

12/14/2004 4:35:02 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



30 seconds

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

3 full moons

Shape of Object(s)

V-shaped, trangular

Color of Object(s):

Dark, dense, with dullish white-yellow lights

Full Description & Details

I was looking at the night sky hoping to see a bat, a shooting star or a satellite. Instead I saw what appeared to be a huge triangular shape directly overhead. It appeared to be quite low. I was amazed at how calm I was! I thought that I had finally seen a UFO from another world. I listened and could hear no sound. There were no vibrations either. I remember thinking that alien creatures must be in the object. I concentrated and (although it seems silly) I used my sixth sense to work out what was in it. Suddenly, I 'knew' what it was. It was definitely man made. I could sense it from deep within my being. I am 99 percent sure that the object I was was a Stealth Bomber. I have since found out that the only docking area for one is in California, U.S.

Incidently, as a small child I remember being visited by strange creatures from strange crafts, examining me. As a young adult I've had vivid encounters with. One told me about terrorism and Saddam Hussein years before the war happened. It told me that the 'negative', human energy and electro-magnetic energy we produce on earth is attracting 'thousands' of different alien beings from around the universe. It told me that 'universal law' prohibits them from killing us.

A lot of information was imparted to me about where they come from and what they are. I was told that they have been in our solar system for billions of years. I asked them hundreds of questions and they anwered every one. They said that we are strange, violent creatures and that they fear us! (By the way, I asked if God existed, as a test. Shocked, the creature answered "Yes". It told me that all creatures that ever existed knows that. Because of a genetic fault we have huge egos and we are the only ones who doubt. I started to believe in God again after that! )

Witness Background

University graduate

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

My husband who was too slow to come to see it.

Your Location: 



