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UFO Sighting Report


September, 1982


Korea, Republic


Top shaped object with flashing/rotating lights at the top and bottom hovered through a dense fog valley

Date Reported:

12/21/2004 7:17:05 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



3 to 4 minutes

No. of Object(s): 


Urban or Rural: 


Size of Object(s)

100 feet tall, 50 feet around, shaped like a child toy top

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

500 yards

Shape of Object(s)

cone/top shape

Color of Object(s):

silver, smooth skin

Full Description & Details

While assigned to the US Army in South Korea as a aviation maintenance helicopter mechanic, I and another individual witnessed what we believe to have been a UFO. I was at the field dining facility at about 6:00AM and happened to look down the valley and noted the fog. My reason for noting the fog was we were to have aircraft flying that morning and with the fog rolling in our missions would probably be delayed. As I was watching the fog, I noticed that the fog began to separate as if something was making it move. Out of the fog came an aircraft hovering at about 10-15 knots. The craft was top shaped/cone shaped and had red, green, and blue lights rotating at the top and the bottom as if scanning. I heard no jet engine noise, i heard no internal combustion engine noise at all. I did hear a slight humming noise but it could have been field generators and not the craft. It slowly moved up the valley coming within about 500 yards of my position and then moved further into the valley finally disappearing into the fog. I looked over that the dining facility manager, a senior noncommissioned officer of the US Army, and asked him if he just saw what I saw. He looked at my with some trepidation and nodded that he had and then stated, " we didnt see nothing" and then walked away. The craft had no visible weapons, no visible markings, no US flag, no international flag, and no international number designator on the skin of the craft. There were no visible exhaust trails and there was no smell of burnt jet fuel or any type of fuel for that matter. It never changed course and acted as if we weren't even there observing. In that valley that the craft traveled up were 18 US Army Attack Helicopters, 12 US Army Observation Helicopters and over 250 US Army personnel. The fog was so dense that you could not see the unit in the valley but the craft was large enough to part the fog and was very, very visible.

Witness Background

Retired US Army First Sergeant/Master Sergeant of Army Aviation. Held US Government Secret Security Clearance for over 15 years.

Other Comments

The other witness absolutey refused to make any further comments and had a look of complete fear in his face. He knew I was standing there and knew that I saw what he saw but because of his seniority I assume he felt he had no other choice but to disavow this sighting. My squad leader laughed it off, and told me it was probably something from North Korea checking us out. It was not a military aircraft nor was it any type of spy platform.

Reported Sighting? 


Reported To: 

US Army Squad Leader


Brad Chaffee

Your Location: 

Liverpool,NY USA



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