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UFO Sighting Report


April, 1989


Kent, Connecticut, United States


Huge "V" or Chevron shaped craft with no fuselage and 5 white lights underneath seen moving extremely slowly and without so much as a sound!

Date Reported:

1/5/2006 3:12:26 PM

Comments about the image(s): Drawing by the witness of the sighting.

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



Approx. 2 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

It was a huge black chevron shaped craft, it had five white lights underneath, the lights were arranged one at the front or apex of the chevron and then two equally spaced down each wing. Nothing more than this could be discerned.

Size of Object(s)

Relative size i would say was at least 12 inches.Actual size I would estimate to be about 300 to 500 ft in wingspan (OR MORE) the wing/body was approximately 30 to 50ft but the height i could not discern.

Distance to Object(s) & Altitude

Height off the ground looked to be about 300 ft. and it was no more than 1/4 mile away at the most.

Description of Area / Surroundings

Kent School lies in a valley with Mt. Algo on the southern border and Skaticoche/Skiff Mountain to the North. The Housatanic River runs next to the campus in is the Eastern border of the campus. Kent is a fairly small town in a rural area about 2 hours from New York City. I am unaware of any Military Bases or Power plants in the area.

Full Description & Details

I was a senior in High School attending a boarding school in Kent Connecticut at the time of the sighting.

My roomate (P.V. Burch) and I were coming up from the ice hockey rink to head back to our dormitory. It was approximately 10pm in evening. As we arrived back on the main campus area and started heading for the dorm we noticed a HUGE object to our South moving extreemly slowly from East to West above the Dining Hall. It was shaped like a "V" or chevron/boomerang shape. It had 5 bright white lights underneath it which were equidistant from eachother. The object looked to be only a couple of hundred feet off the ground and was heading on a course that would take it behind Mt. Algo. The object made NO NOISE whatsoever and was larger than any aircraft I have ever seen (at least 3 times the wingspan of a B-52 but with no fuselage). The sighting lasted for about 2 minutes at which point the object had passed behind the mountain and out of our view.

The object was seen by us and also by another student (H. Harden) and a teacher who's name I cannot recall. All 4 of use remarked on how odd it was, especially that it seemed very near, moved like a snail and made absolutely no sound at all!

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

It could have been an experimental military aircraft, but I gurantee you that the object we saw moved so slowly that it could not have stayed airborne using conventional propoulsion as it was just moving too slowly to have created enough lift....it moved more like the speed you would see a blimp cruising at.

Witness Background

I am an executive with a well known Financial Management Consultancy. I hold the position of Sales Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa. I hold a B.S. in Political Science and History with an Economics Minor. I have for the past 15 years been working in Technology and Finance. I have worked all over the world with some of the most well known firms...mostly Fortune 1000. It is important to mention that I served in the Royal Norwegian Navy as a Special Forces platoon commander from 1990 to 1992 and although this took place after the sighting, the training I received in intelligence gathering included being able to quickly identify enemy as well as friendly aircraft. In all my training courses I was never shown any aircraft that looked remotely like what we saw that night.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I was open to the idea before the sighting as in my opinion we would have to be truly stupid to think we are alone in the universe or even our neck of the galaxy for that matter. I certainly thought what I saw was unusual but at the time did not think of it as a UFO sighting, more in the realm of the really weird. I had not read anything about UFO's before the sighting but I will admit I enjoyed tv shows such as Star Trek. In my opinion UFO's are real. Some being experimental craft we have created but there is a lot of good evidence that many others may not be of our make.

Reported Sighting? 



E.M. Petersen

Your Location: 

London, England



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