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UFO Sighting Report


October, 1978


Alma, Kansas, United States


Dark, triangular object sighted while driving along rural, gravel road after dark at approximately 11 o'clock to 12 o'clock PM. I first saw the object hovering over a bluff about 1/4 mile west of roadway. The object slowly and silently approached the car and roadway above an open meadow at altitude of 300-400 feet before moving away in a northly direction at great speed.

Date Reported:

2/1/2006 12:41:29 PM

Sighting Time: 




No. of Witnesses: 



1-2 minutes

Appearance / Description of Object(s)

I don’t remember how I first became aware of the object. It may be that I saw the shape of the dark object in moon light, or I may have noticed the small colored lights on each of its 3 corners. The lights may have been red and/or green. The object was triangular with sides of 100 to 150 feet in length. The object made no noise of any kind which was striking because of its size and the speed at which it traveled away.

Description of Area / Surroundings

The Flint Hills is a rural, agricultural area. I also recall there must have been a north central Kansas military base in the vicinity as I observed jet fighters in low level flight over this area during my stay.

Full Description & Details

This siting occurred in late September or early October in 1978. At the time, I was visiting friends who lived on a farm near the town of Alma, Kansas in the Flint Hills region. This is an extremely rural area of farms and cattle ranches on gentle rolling hills. After dark at between 11:00 and 12:00 p.m. a friend and I were driving together from the small town of Alma, Kansas to a farm south of Alma. I don’t recall whether the night was moon-lit, but somehow I became aware of a large triangular object hovering over a bluff to my right and to the Westapproximately ¼ of a mile away. I stopped the car and I and my passenger got out to observe the object. The object moved toward us from the bluff at a constant height of about 300 feet over an open field or meadow. The object advanced toward us slowly, stopped briefly in a hover mode at a distance of several hundred feet, before moving away at the same height at great speed to the North.

Can sighting be explained as any conventional man-made or natural object?

This object cannot be explained by any conventional man-made or natural object.

Witness Background

I am a practicing attorney.

Views on UFOs, before and after sighting

I have been fascinated by the UFO phenomenon since my childhood. This is my second sighting. To me, the strangest part of the phenomenon is the lack of any physical evidence despite the apparent world-wide prevalence of sightings. Until there exists hard, physical evidence, I believe this may be a psychological phenomenon.

Reported Sighting? 



James S. Lederach

Your Location: 

Scottdale, Pennsylvania



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