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UFOs: A Demonic Conspiracy

Fr. Thomas Kulp, Flying Saucer Review, Volume 45/3, Autumn 2000

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Summary: There are still a surprisingly large number of people who seem to take all UFO reports with complete equanimity and, as it were, refuse to see anything "nasty" anywhere in it. Then, on the other hand, there are others, like Father Thomas Kulp, the author of this article, who take the opposite view and hold that every single case, without any exception whatsoever, is something straight out of Satan's bag.

[[NOTE BY FSR EDITOR: There are still a surprisingly large number of people who seem to take all UFO reports with complete equanimity and, as it were, refuse to see anything "nasty" anywhere in it. Then, on the other hand, there are others, like Subdeacon Paul Inglesby and Cyril Marystone and Father Thomas Kulp, the author of this article, who take the opposite view and hold that every single case, without any exception whatsoever, is something straight out of Satan's bag.

And, finally, there are also a few of us who think that the truth of the matter probably lies somewhere in the middle, and that by the very nature of things, there are bound to be some "*Goodies*" (i.e. the ANGELIC FORCES) somewhere around.

We shall have to go on probing all possible aspects of the question until we begin to feel that we can see a bit more clearly. (For example, while I feel strongly as anyone that there really are absolutely demonic forces active in and among mankind, there are sudden new hints, new angles, and so on, which suggest that possibly even the "Little Greys", so much abhorred by so many of us so far, might not be the real Demonic Enemies after all! But more of this later!)

Father Thomas Kulp is a priest of the Orthodox Church, and lives in the State of Wisconsin, USA, with his wife and seven children. Paul Inglesby, MA, (Oxon.) and a former Lt. Commander in the Royal Navy, is a Sub-Deacon, also in the Orthodox Church.

As Fr. Kulp declares, many UFO researchers have noted the similarities that seem to exist between the historic descriptions of demonic attack and the current accounts of "alien abductions", and he concludes that this is no coincidence.

The copyrighted article which we give below was originally in the U.S. publication FATE, for April 1996, and appears now in FSR by the permission and courtesy of both Father Kulp and Mr. Craig Miller, Associate Editor of FATE MAGAZINE, P.O. Box 64383, St. Paul, MN 55164-0303, U.S.A. -Editor, FSR]]


Since the term "flying saucer" was coined in the 1940s, the UFO phenomenon has intrigued and mystified serious investigators and has profoundly influenced the imaginative content of popular culture. Of particular interest are the numerous reported encounters with aliens. There can no longer be any doubt that something significant is happening. On the whole, the reported incidents can neither be regarded as hoaxes, nor as some bizarre form of collective hallucination.

Must we concloude, then, as many have, that extraterrestrial beings are visiting Earth? This is, in fact, the message that has been communicated by the aliens themselves on various occasions, a message often cloaked in New Age terminology. A common motif is that Earth is on the verge of a dire catastrophe from which the aliens, as representatives of a more highly evolved race, can save us.

This is the stuff of science fiction. It is, of course, comforting to believe that we are not alone, that there are beings somewhere out there older and wiser than ourselves, ready and willing to save us from our own folly. Perhaps we should cast aside the apocalyptic prophecies of doom and prepare ourselves for a new age of universal peace and brotherhood. Does this scenario seem too good to be true? As the saying goes, it probably is.

Indeed, as Whitley Strieber writes concerning his own experiences, "The beings I was encountering weren't the wise and benevolent creatures that films like Close Encounters might have led one to expect. They were absolutely devastating_."

Strieber relates how he awoke in the middle of the night and sensed a presence in his room. "I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on Earth to be there, and yet I couldn't move, couldn't cry out, and couldn't get away. I lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies. Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be."

In the end, however, Strieber rejected the possibility that these beings could really be demons. He did so, I suspect, not because of the evidence, but rather because the concept of the demonic simply does not fit into his worldview. In fact, this prejudice against an objective personification of evil is widespread today, even while the idea of angels is enjoying a renewed popularity.

Nevertheless, if we are indeed being visited by extraterrestrial beings, no unified and coherent hypothesis has yet been offered to explain the multifarious worldwide manifestations of alien contact.

For a while, it appeared that perhaps the visitors were engaged in little more than a routine geological survey of Earth. Beings have been observed taking samples of rocks and other objects many times over a period spanning decades.

Then suddenly we discover that the aliens are not simply taking rock samples. They are abducting humans and conducting scientific tests, taking samples of blood and semen, even conducting breeding experiments between humans and aliens. The reports come pouring in from around the world, becoming more and more bizarre.

Running through the data of purported encounters, however, is a definite thread of the irrational and absurd. Often the observed behaviour of the beings makes no apparent sense, or is downright silly.

Consider an incident that occurred near Buenos Aires in 1968. A teenaged boy was approached by two *seemingly* ordinary men except for their unblinking gaze and their transparent legs. They told him, "*You are going to know the world.*"

They promised to take him on a flying saucer, which they showed him, and then gave him an ordinary envelope and told him to dip it in a puddle. When the boy did so, this message appeared in a very juvenile script: "*You are going to know the world. F. Saucer.*"

It can be hypothesized that the purpose of the innate absurdity and sheer overwhelming quality of UFO encounters is mental confusion and a realignment of human consciousness. In other words, there is a conscious agency involved that is attempting to subtly alter and control human thought patterns and beliefs.

If this is so, then the UFOs, even if they possess a real physical dimension, (which has not so far been convincingly demonstrated), are at least in part a psychic manifestation.

According to Strieber, "*Precognition, apparent telepathy, out- of-the-body perceptions, and even physical levitation, are commonplace side-effects of contact with the visitors.*" Indeed, experiences of alien contact seem to involve altered states of consciousness, an almost dreamlike trance state despite the apparent reality of the events described.

Moreover, the psychic repercussions upon those whom I can only describe as victims are often devastating, leading to confusion, obsession, disruption of life patterns, and even -in extreme cases- suicide. Can beings responsible for so much mental and spiritual anguish be truly characterized as benevolent or even morally neutral?

EVIL ALIENS. Let's consider several cases that seem to suggest a non-physical dimension to the UFO phenomenon. In 1955, near Riverside, California, children observed a disk-shaped object spinning overhead. Subsequently, there appeared a "recurring series of spectral-like shapes_. They were semi-transparent."

In 1963, in Kent, England, four teenagers watch a glowing ovalloid descend into a wood. Suddenly, "A shambling human- sized figure with no head but with bat-like wings appeared and moved toward them_."

In 1952, a UFO was sighted landing in Flatwoods, West Virginia, "and when the witnesses surged forward to see what had happened, a monstrous spectral-like figure with a blood-red face and glowing greenish-orange eyes floated down the hill toward the by now terrified observers." In past centuries, these apparitions would have been unequivocally labelled as demonic. Now, in our supposedly more enlightened age, we fail to see the obvious.

In 1967, in Surrey, England, a young couple stopped their car in an isolated spot and observed a hideous creature through the window, accompanied by an odour as of burning meat or a stink bomb. It is interesting that a bad egg smell (hydrogen sulphide) has been reported in numerous cases, considering that such an odour has long been associated with demonic manifestations.

More dramatic is a case that occurred on October 25, 1973, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The main victim of what appears to have been a classic case of demonic infestation was a young man named Steven Pulaski, but also present was a law officer and, later on that night, a group of UFO investigators.

The affair began when a bright red ball was seen hovering over a field. As it descended, its colour changed to bright white. Next, two strange bestial creatures appeared. Someone fired a gun at the monsters and they were apparently hit, but with no result.

Throughout the night, these elusive creatures continued making their presence known. Witnesses glimpsed the creatures and heard strange sounds coming from the woods. At one point, a strong sulphur odour was detected by the observers.

It was then that Steven himself began behaving like a wild beast, as one possessed, having gone totally berserk. It was during this fugue that he recited prophecies of doom in a mocking tone of voice, accompanied by derisive laughter.

I would suggest that in instances such as this one, the demonic element responsible for the UFO phenomenon is showing its true face. At the very least, there is a sinister, dark side to these preternatural experiences that must be seriously considered.

Yet if we are indeed dealing with predominantly psychic manifestations, we must be very cautious of accepting as objective reality the outward appearances.

We should be aware, too, of traditional signs of demonic presence. For example, UFO occupants have been observed to avoid light, as in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in 1955, where the beings always approached from the dark side of the house and not when outside lights were on.

In other cases, alien beings accost victims at crossroads, which are traditionally associated with an aura of danger and the demonic. Crosses were often placed at crossroads for this very reason. In general, the fear and confusion so often infused into the minds of victims is a sign of demonic presence.

DEMONIC ORIGINS. At this point, a word about the origin and nature of demons should be useful. According to Christian traditions, based on works by Milton and others, God created orders of so-called bodiless powers, including angels and archangels, before creating humans.

These active, intelligent spirits were intended to serve and glorify God. Like all rational beings, these invisible, angelic spirits possessed free will. It transpired that one of them, Lucifer, rebelled against God. Blinded by pride, he thought to exalt himself above the throne of God.

Then, having won over one third of the angelic beings to his side, he entered into a disastrous war against Archangel Michael and the other angels, who had remained loyal to God.

As a result, Lucifer and his confederates were cast out of Heaven. Henceforth, Lucifer, now known as Satan, or the Devil, became the leader of a vast army of fallen angels known as demons. No longer capable of choosing good, these fallen angels have become irrevocably evil, eternally at war against God.

Christian lore also holds that God created people to take the place of the fallen spirits. We were destined to achieve blessed immortality in union with God.

Thus Satan and his demons, consumed with jealousy and bitterness toward the human race, tempted our First Parents in the Garden of Eden. Believing the deception of the "serpent," Adam and Eve fell from their original blessed state and were cast out of the Garden.

Ever since, the demons have been engaged in continual warfare against the human race, ever striving to drag us down to their own level, causing us to stray from the path of truth that alone leads to eternal salvation.

Humans were also created with free will. God does not permit Satan to coerce us. The Devil can have no power over us unless we ourselves give it, willingly accepting Satan's deceptions and thus rejecting God's Law.

Therefore, the demons have become masters of deception, capable of assuming any form, even appearing, as St. Paul assures us, as "Angels of light."*

Nor should the apparent mingling of physical and psychic manifestations in the UFO phenomenon surprise us. As one noted spiritual authority observes, "Demons also have 'physical bodies,' although the 'matter' in them is of such subtlety that it cannot be perceived by men unless their spiritual 'doors of perception' are opened, whether with God's will as in the case of holy men or against it (as in the case of sorcerers and mediums.")

There is not a single UFO incident on record that cannot be explained as a demonic deception or apparition.

What is not always clear is the motivating purpose behind some of these bizarre manifestations. For example, I must admit that the whole breeding experiment scenario baffles me, except that these incidents do confuse and profoundly frighten the victims, thereby opening the human mind a bit more to the intrusion of the demonic.

What does seem clear, from a spiritual perspective, is that the ultimate purpose of the UFO phenomenon is to help prepare the collective consciousness of the human race for the coming of Antichrist as foretold in the Bible.

All signs point to the fact that the end of human history is at hand. The final stage is to be the universal reign of the Antichrist, who will create a new world order and a false one- world religion. Those who through demonic deception will worship the Antichrist will be lost, while all others will be persecuted.

A prophetic leader, Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov, wrotte in the last century, "*The miracles of Antichrist will be chiefly manifested in the aerial real* where Satan chiefly has his dominion*. The signs will act most of all on the sense of sight, charming and deceiving. Again, the Antichrist will even make fire to come down out of Heaven upon the Earth in the sight of men."

I submit that the demonic explanation for the UFO phenomenon is inherently no less likely than any other explanation that has been offered so far.

If we are open-minded enough to at least accept the possibility of demons, then a great deal that is presently obscure becomes understandable.

There is no lack of evidence and testimony regarding the reality of demons in Christian spiritual literature during the past two millenia. We should be most foolish to discard it all as mere antiquated relics of the past, while accepting as gospel the myriad New Age teachings that have permeated our society over recent decades.

Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we be wise and sober, discerning the spirits to make sure that they are truly of God, refusing to be led astray by the deceptive illusions of the Evil One.

NOTE BY EDITOR, FSR. *See my article, What St. Paul is actually reported to have said, in FSR 42/2.

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